Acronym Hub 📋

lists of common acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms

Star Trek Online acronyms


A ⇑ back to top ⇑

A2B = Auxiliary to Battery

A2D = Auxiliary to Dampeners

A2S = Auxiliary to Structural

AB = Aceton Beam

AES = Adaptive Emergency Systems

AF = Attract Fire

AHOD = All Hands on Deck

AM = Assimilated Module

AP Torp = Crystalline Energy Torpedo

AP = Antiproton

APA = Attack Pattern Alpha

APB = Attack Pattern Beta

APD = Attack Pattern Delta

APDP = Attack Pattern Delta Prime

APL = Attack Pattern Lambda

APM = Ambush Point Marker

APO = Attack Pattern Omega

ARAP = Advanced Radiant Antiproton

ASF = Align Shield Frequencies

AtB = Auxiliary to Battery

AtD = Auxiliary to Dampeners

AtS = Auxiliary to Structural

Aux2Bat = Auxiliary to Battery

Aux2Damp = Auxiliary to Dampeners

Aux2Str = Auxiliary to Structural

B ⇑ back to top ⇑

BA = Beam Array

BFAW = Beam Array: Fire at Will

BfI = Brace for Impact

BIC = Bioneural Infusion Circuits

BM = Boost Morale

BNP = Borg Neural Processor

BO = Beam Array: Overload

Boff = Bridge Officer

BoP = Bird of Prey

BotS = Brotherhood of the Sword

C ⇑ back to top ⇑

CC = Crystalline Catastrophe

CD = Channeled Deconstruction

CEA = Call Emergency Artillery

CF = Concentrate Firepower

CG = Clean Getaway

CI = Coolant Ignition

CIF = Chronometric Inversion Field

CLR = Combat Log Reader

CPB = Charged Particle Burst

CR = Causal Reversion

CRF = Cannon: Rapid Fire

CSV = Cannon: Scatter Volley

D ⇑ back to top ⇑

DBB = Dual Beam Bank

DC = Deploy Countermeasures

DEM = Directed Energy Modulation

Dis = Disruptors

DisT = Distributed Targeting

Doff = Duty Officer

DomPol = Dominion Polaron

DPA = Dispersal Pattern Alpha

DPB = Dispersal Pattern Beta

DPRM = Dynamic Power Redistributor Module

DR = Delta Rising

DRB = Destabilizing Resonance Beam

DS9 = Deep Space 9

DSSV = Deep Space Science Vessel

DT = Diversionary Tactics

DWC = Destabilize Warp Core

E ⇑ back to top ⇑

EBM = Enhanced Bio-Molecular Torpedo

EC = Entropic Cascade

EF = Engineering Fleet

EIB = Endothermic Inhibitor Beam

EM = Evasive Maneuvers

EMPP = Electromagnetic Pulse Probe

EngFleet = Engineering Fleet

EPT = EPS Power Transfer

EPtA = Emergency Power to Auxiliary

EPtE = Emergency Power to Engines

EPtS = Emergency Power to Shields

EPtW = Emergency Power to Weapons

ER = Entropic Redistribution

ERL = Energy Weapons: Exceeed Rated Limits

ES = Energy Siphon

ET = Engineering Team

ETL = Evade Target Lock

EUWB = Emit Unstable Warp Bubble

Evasive = Evasive Maneuvers

EWC = Emergency Weapons Cycle

EWP = Eject Warp Plasma

ExtS = Extend Shields

F ⇑ back to top ⇑

FA = Focused Assault

FAHCR = Fleet Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit

FAW = Beam Array: Fire at Will

FBP = Feedback Pulse

FF = Focused Frenzy

FHA = Fly Her Apart

FlS = Fleet Support

FOMM = Fire On My Mark

Frenzy = Focused Frenzy

FTC = Fleet Tactical Computer

FU = Form Up

G ⇑ back to top ⇑

Garbage = Boarding Party

GC = Gravimetric Conversion

GDF = Go Down Fighting

GIP = Gravitic Induciton Platform

GPL = Gold-Pressed Latinum

GW = Gravity Well

H ⇑ back to top ⇑

HA = Heisenberg Amplifier

HE = Hazard Emitters

HEC = Heavy Escort Carrier

HPB = Heavy Plasma Bolt

HPT = Heavy Plasma Torpedo

HT = Hold Together

HYT = High Yield Torpedo

I ⇑ back to top ⇑

IF = Intelligence Fleet

IntFleet = Intelligence Fleet

IonT = Ionic Turbulence

IT = Intelligence Team

J ⇑ back to top ⇑

JHAS = Jem'Hadar Attack Ship

JHEC = Jem'Hadar Heavy Escort Carrier

JHDC = Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier

JHSS = Jem'Hadar Strike Ship

JS = Jam Sensors

K ⇑ back to top ⇑

KAGN = Khitomer Accord Ground Normal

KASN = Khitomer Accord Space Normal

KCB = Kinetic Cutting Beam

KHG = Klingon Honor Guard

KLW = Kemocite-Laced Weaponry

KM = Kinetic Magnet

L ⇑ back to top ⇑

Leech = Plasmonic Leech

LRSV = Long-Range Science Vessel

Locator = Vulnerability Locator

LoR = Legacy of Romulus

LT = Lock Trajectory

LW = Lone Wolf

M ⇑ back to top ⇑

MAS = Mixed Armaments Synergy

MES = Mask Energy Signature

MR = Miraculous Repairs

N ⇑ back to top ⇑

NADORC = Negotiate Additional Delivery of Rare Commodities

Nausitorp = Nausicaan Energy Torpedo

NI = Nadion Inversion

NotM = Needs of the Many

NPF = Null Pointer Flood

NRP = Torpedoes: Nanite Repair Payload

NSB = Narrow Sensor Bands

O ⇑ back to top ⇑

OE = Overwhelm Emitters

OIF = Overload Integrity Field

OPR = Overwhelm Power Regulators

OSS = Override Subsystem Safeties

P ⇑ back to top ⇑

PEP = Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo

PF = Protomatter Field Projector

PFP = Protomatter Field Projector

PH = Polarize Hull

Pha = Phaser

PhoFleet = Photonic Fleet

PL = Plasmonic Leech

Pla = Plasma

PO = Photonic Officer

Pol = Polaron

PP = Protomatter Field Projector

PS = Photonic Shockwave

PT = Pilot Team

PttM = Pedal to the Metal

PxF = Phalanx Formation

Q ⇑ back to top ⇑

QP Torp = Quantum Phase Torpedo

R ⇑ back to top ⇑

RD = Rapid Decay

RfS = Reinforcements Squadron

RIF = Regenerative Integrity Field

RnR = Rock and Roll

RPM = Rally Point Marker

RRfLS = Reroute Power from Life Support

RRtW = Reroute Reserves to Weapons

RS = Ramming Speed

RS = Recursive Shearing

RSF = Rotate Shield Frequency

RSHC = Reroute Shields to Hull Containment

RSP = Reverse Shield Polarity

S ⇑ back to top ⇑

SB = Suppression Barrage

SBeac = Subspace Beacon

SBoom = Subspace Boom

SciFleet = Science Fleet

ScrmS = Scramble Sensors

SecShield = Secondary Shield Projector

SF = Scattering Field

SF = Science Fleet

SF = Shared Fate

SIC = Structural Integrity Collapse

SS = Sensor Scan

SSI = Subspace Interception

SSP = Secondary Shield Projector

SStr = Energy Weapons: Surgical Strikes

SSV = Subspace Vortex

ST = Science Team

STF = Special Task Force

StrA = Structural Analysis

SubCW = Subnucleonic Carrier Wave

Subnuc = Subnucleonic Beam

SupBar = Suppression Barrage

T ⇑ back to top ⇑

TacFleet = Tactical Fleet

TachB = Tachyon Beam

TAux = Target Auxiliary Subsystems

TB = Tractor Beam

TBR = Tractor Beam Repulsors

TEng = Target Engines Subsystems

Tet = Tetryon

TF = Tactical Fleet

ThS = Threatening Stance

THY = Torpedo: High Yield

TI = Tactical Initiative

TLC = Timeline Collapse

TlS = Timeline Stabilizer

TR = Tyken's Rift

TS = Timeline Stabilizer

TS = Torpedo: Spread

TSh = Target Shields Subsystems

TSS = Transfer Shield Strength

TT = Tactical Team

TTFD = Terran Task Force Disruptor

TTW = Torpedo: Transport Warhead

TWeap = Target Weapons Subsystems

U ⇑ back to top ⇑

V ⇑ back to top ⇑

VA = Vice Admiral

VIB = Viral Impulse Burst

VM = Viral Matrix

W ⇑ back to top ⇑

WAQT = Wide Angle Quantum Torpedo

X ⇑ back to top ⇑

Y ⇑ back to top ⇑

Z ⇑ back to top ⇑

ZPEC = Zero Point Energy Conduit