ADA = Americans with Disabilities Act
ADD = Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD = Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
AP = Assistant Principal
APD = Auditory Processing Disorder
ASHA = American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
ASL = American Sign Language
AT = Assistive Technology
ATD = Assistive Technology Device
AYP = Adequate Yearly Progress
AYP = Annual Yearly Progress
BIP = Behavior Intervention Plan
CFA = Common Formative Assessment
CPS = Child Protective Services
DCS = Department of Child Safety
DO = District Office
DOE = Department of Education
ED = Emotionally Disabled
ELL = English Language Learner
ESL = English as a Second Language
ESY = Extended School Year
FAFSA = Free Application for Federal Student Aide
FAPE = Free and Appropriate Public Education
FBA = Functional Behavior Assessment
FERPA = Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
FRPL = Free and Reduced Price Lunch
GATE = Gifted and Talented Education
GPA = Grade Point Average
HQT = Highly Qualified Teacher
IDEA = Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEP = Individualized Education Program
IFSP = Individualized Family Service Plan
IQ = Intelligence Quotient
ISS = In School Suspension
JROTC = Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps
KTEA-2 = Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement 2nd Edition
KTEA-3 = Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement 3rd Edition
LD = Learning Disabled
LD = Lunch Detention
LOI = Learning Observation Instrument
LPD = Language Processing Disorder
LRE = Least Restrictive Environment
MET = Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team
MID = Mild Intellectual Disability
NAEP = National Assessment of Educational Progress
NASP = National Association of School Psychologists
NBCT = National Board Certified Teacher
NCEA = National Center for Educational Accountability
NCLB = No Child Left Behind
NVLD = Non-Verbal Learning Disability
OCD = Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
OHI = Other Health Impairment
OT = Occupational Therapy
PLAAFP = Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance
PT = Physical Therapy
PTA = Parent Teacher Association
PWN = Prior Written Notice
ROTC = Reserve Officers Training Corps
SED = Severely Emotionally Disabled
SIS = Student Information System
SLD = Specific Learning Disability
SLP = Speech-Language Pathologist
SLPA = Speech-Language Pathologist Assistant
SPED = SPecial EDucation
SRO = School Resource Officer
STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
TBI = Traumatic Brain Injury
VP = Vice Principal
WJ-3 = Woodcock-Johnson 3rd Edition
WJ-4 = Woodcock-Johnson 4th Edition
WPM = Words Per Minute