Acronym Hub 📋

lists of common acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms

Military acronyms


A ⇑ back to top ⇑

AA = Anti-Aircraft

AA&E = Arms, Ammunition, And Explosives

AAA = Anti-Aircraft Artillery

AAAA = Army Aviation Association Of America

AABB = American Association of Blood Banks

AABWS = Amphibious Assault Bulk Water System

AAC = Activity Address Code

AECT = Aeromedical Evacuation Control Team

AAFES = Army and Air Force Exchange Service

AAFIF = Automated Air Facility Information File

AAFS = Amphibious Assault Fuel System

AAGS = Army Air-Ground System

AAM = Air-To-Air Missile

AAMDC = Army Air and Missile Defense Command

AAOE = Arrival and Assembly Operations Element

AAOG = Arrival and Assembly Operations Group

AAP = Allied Administrative Publication

AAR = After Action Report

AAU = Analog Applique Unit

AAV = Amphibious Assault Vehicle

AAW = Anti-Air Warfare

AB = Airbase

ABCS = Army Battle Command System

ABD = Airbase Defense

ABFCS = Advanced Base Functional Component System

ABU = Airman Battle Uniform

ABV = Assault Breacher Vehicle

ACCP = Army Correspondence Course Program

ACFT = Aircraft

ACK = Acknowledge

ACLS = Auto Carrier Landing System

ACMI = Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation

ACO = Administrative Contracting Officer

ACU = Army Combat Uniform

ADAB = Air Defense Artillery Branch

ADC = Air Data Computer

ADOS = Active Duty, Operational Support

ADP = Automatic Data Processing

ADPA = American Defense Preparedness Association

ADPSO = Automatic Data Processing Security Officer

ADS = Automated Data System

ADSW = Active Duty, Special Work

AEW&C = Airborne Early Warning and Control

AFMC = Armed Forces Medical College

AFOQT = Air Force Officer Qualifying Test

AFOSI = Air Force Office of Special Investigations

AFSC = Air Force Specialty Code

AHA = Ammunition Holding Area

AHD = Ahead

AIS = Automated Information System

AIT = Advanced Individual Training

ALCON = All Concerned

AMU = Aircraft Maintenance Unit

AMXG = Aircraft Maintenance Group

AMXS = Aircraft Maintenance Squadron

ANG = Air National Guard

AO = Area of Operations

AOC = Air Operations Center

AOL = Absent Over Leave

AP = Armor-Piercing

APC = Armored Personnel Carrier

APFT = Army Physical Fitness Test

APFU = Army Physical Fitness Uniform

APO = Army Post Office

APRT = Army Physical Readiness Test

ARM = Anti-Radar Missile

ARMS = Aviation Resource Management System

ARNG = Army National Guard

ARPANET = Advanced Research Projects Agency Network

ARS = Air Refueling Store

ART = Alarm Response Team

ASAP = Army Substance Abuse Program

ASAP = As Soon As Possible

ASCII = American Standard Computer Information Interchange

ASCM = Anti-Ship Cruise Missile

ASD = Assistant Secretary of Defense

ASDS = Airborne Serial Data System

ASM = Air-to-Surface Missile

ASROC = Anti-Submarine Rocket

ASSET = Asset Source for Software Engineering Technology

ASSY = Assembly

AST = Aircraft System Trainer

ASTM = American Society for Testing and Materials

ASV = Anti-Surface Vessel

ASVAB = Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery

ASW = Anti-Submarine Warfare

ATC = Air Traffic Control

ATFU = Ate The Fuck Up

ATO = Antiterrorism Officer

ATRRS = Army Training Requirements and Resources System

AWACS = Airborne Warning and Control System

AWOL = Absent Without Leave

AZ = Azimuth

B ⇑ back to top ⇑

BAH = Basic Allowance for Housing

BAR = Browning Automatic Rifle

BAT = Battery

BAU = Behavioral Analysis Unit

BB = Battleship

BCD = Bad Conduct Discharge

BCG = Birth Control Glasses

BCM = Beyond Capability Of Maintenance

BCT = Basic Combat Training

BDA = Battle Damage Assessment

BDE = Brigade

BDU = Battle Dress Uniform

BEA = Budget Execution Authority

BFT = Blue Force Tracker

BG = Bodyguard

BLUF = Bottom Line Up Front

BM = Ballistic Missile

BMNT = Begin Morning Nautical Twilight

BN = Battalion

BOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes Again

BRAC = Base Realignment And Closure

BRAT = Born Raised And Transferred

BUB = Battle Update Brief

BVR = Beyond Visual Range

BX = Base Exchange

C ⇑ back to top ⇑

C1 = Command

C2 = Command And Control

C3 = Command Control and Communication

CAC = Common Access Card

CAG = Civil Affairs Group

CAGE = Commercial And Government Entity

CALL = Center for Army Lessons Learned

CAPT = Captain

CAS = Close Air Support

CASE = Computer Aided Software Engineering

CASEVAC = Casualty Evacuation

CAT = Combat Application Tourniquets

CBRN = Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear

CBU = Cluster Bomb Unit

CCA = Carrier Controlled Approach

CCIP = Continually Calculated Impact Point

CCIR = Commanders Critical Information Requirements

CCP = Casualty Collection Point

CCRP = Continually Calculated Release Point

CCTDA = Cockpit Control Thrust Drive Actuator

CCTT = Command And Control Team Trainer

CDAT = Computerized Dumb Ass Tanker

CDD = Common Data Dictionary

CDIAC = Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center

CENTCOM = Central Command

CF = Cluster Fuck "Charlie Foxtrot"

CHU = Containerized Housing Unit

CIA = Central Intelligence Agency

CIB = Combat Infantry Badge

CIC = Command Intelligence Center

CINCLANT = Commander-in-chief, Atlantic Forces

CINCPAC = Commander-in-chief, Pacific Forces

CIS = Case Integration Services

CITIS = Contractor Integrated Technical Information Service

CIU = Cockpit Interface Unit

CIWS = Close-In Weapon System

CJCS = Chairman Of The Joint Chief Of Staff

CJOTUS = Chief Justice of the United States

CKPT = Cockpit

CLIN = Contract Line Item Number

CLIP = Configuration Logistic Information Program

CLR = Clear

CLS = Contractor Logistics Support

CLTE = Cost and Lead Time Estimate

CMAN = Configuration Management

CMDS = Cockpit Management Display System

CMI = Computer Managed Instruction

CMPTSC = Conventional Marine Propulsion Training Steering Group

CMR = Configuration Management Review

CMS = Cockpit Management System

CMSAF = Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force

CMSgt = Chief Master Sergeant

CMSS = Configuration Management Support System

CO = Commanding Officer

COA = Course Of Action

COB = Chief Of the Boat

COCOM = Combatant Commander

CODELS = Congressional Delegations

Col = Colonel

COMINT = Communications Intelligence

COMPACFLT = Commander, Pacific Fleet

COMSEC = Communication Security

CONUS = Continental United States

CONUSA = Continental United States Army

COP = Combat Out Post

CoS = Chief of Staff

COT = Commissioned Officer Training

CP = Check Point

CPL = Corporal

CPO = Chief Petty Officer

CPT = Captain

CPX = Command Post Exercise

CQB = Close Quarters Battle

CRC = CONUS Replacement Center

CSAR = Combat Search And Rescue

CSM = Command Sergeant Major

CT = Counter-terrorism Team

CTR = Close Target Reconnaissance

CUB = Commander Update Brief

CVN = Nuclear-powered Aircraft Carrier

CWO = Chief Warrant Officer

CZN = Nuclear-powered Airship Carrier

D ⇑ back to top ⇑

DAC = Department of the Army Civilian

DAGO = Department of the Army General Officer

DAGR = Defense Advanced GPS Receiver

DARPA = Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

DASA = Division Artillery Security Area

DAT = Dumb Ass Tanker

DC = Damage Control

DC3 = Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center

DCAA = Defense Contract Audit Agency

DCMA = Defense Contract Management Agency

DEROS = Date Estimated Return From Overseas

DFAC = Dining Facility

DFAS = Defense Finance and Accounting Service

DIA = Defense Intelligence Agency

DINFAC = Dining Facility

DISA = Defense Information Systems Agency

DISP = Display

DIST = Distance

DIVERTR = Diverter

DLA = Defense Logistics Agency

DLB = Dead Letter Box

DLSC = Defense Logistic Systems Center

DMDC = Defense Manpower Data Center

DME = Depot Maintenance Enterprise

DMEA = Defense Microelectronics Activity

DMS = Defense Message System

DMZ = Demilitarized Zone

DNA = Defense Nuclear Agency

DNS = Doppler Navigation Sensor

DOA = Dead on Arrival

DOC = Descend On Course

DOD = Department Of Defense

DoDAAC = Department of Defense Activity Address Code

DoDAF = Department of Defense Architectural Framework

DoDIC = Department of Defense Identification Code

DOEHRS = Defense Occupational and Environmental Health Readiness System

DOP = Drop-Off Point

DPMs = Disruptive Pattern Material

DRT = Dead Right There

DTO = Daily Tasking Order

DTRA = Defense Threat Reduction Agency

DZ = Drop Zone

E ⇑ back to top ⇑

E&E = Escape and Evade

EA = Electronic Attack

ECP = Entry Control Point

EDCSA = Effective Date of Change of Strength Accountability

EFIS = Electronic Flight Information System

EFR = Equipment Facility Requirements

EHRS = Electronic Health Records

EI = Engineering and Installation

EI SIT = Engineering and Installation Site Implementation Team

EIB = Expert Infantry Badge

EIS = Engineering and Installation Squadron

EKIA = Enemy Killed in Action

ELINT = Electronic Intelligence

EMI = Extra Military Instruction

ENS = Ensign

EOD = Explosive Ordnance Disposal

EOS = End of Service

EP = Electronic Protection

EPR = Enlisted Performance Report

EPW = Enemy Prisoner of War

ERV = Emergency Rendezvous

ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival

ETS = Estimated Termination of Service

EUCOM = European Command

EW = Electronic Warfare

Exfil = Exfiltration

F ⇑ back to top ⇑

FA = Field Artillery

FAK = First Aid Kit

FAR = Federal Acquisition Regulation

FBI = Federal Bureau of Investigation

FEBA = Forward Edge of the Battle Area

FFE = Fire For Effect

FIDO = Fire Direction Officer

FIGMO = Fuck It, Got My Orders

FISHDO = Fuck It, Shit Happens, Drive On

FISINT = Foreign Instrumentation Signals Intelligence

FIST = Fire Support Team

FIST-V = Fire Support Team Vehicle

FISTer = Member of a Fire Support Team

FitRep = Fitness Report

FLOT = Forward Line of Troops

FLOTUS = First Lady of the United States

FM = Field Marshal

FMC = Fully Mission Capable

FMTV = Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles

FNG = Fucking New Guy

FO = Forward Observer

FOB = Forward Operating Base

FOD = Foreign Object Debris

FPO = Fleet Post Office

FRACU = Flame-Resistant Army Combat Uniform

FRB = Failure Review Board

FRD = Facilities Requirements Document

FRS = Fleet Readiness Squadron

FSA = Force Structure Allowance

FSTE = Foreign Service Tour Extension

FTUS = Full Time Unit Specialist

FUBAR = Fucked Up Beyond All Repair

FYI = For Your Information

FYSA = For Your Situational Awareness

G ⇑ back to top ⇑

G1 = General Staff Level office for Personnel and Manpower

G2 = General Staff Level office for Military Intelligence

G3 = General Staff Level office for Operations and Plans

G4 = General Staff Level office for Logistics

G5 = General Staff Level office for Military/Civil Affairs

G6 = General Staff Level office for Signal and Communication

G7 = General Staff Level office for Training and Exercises

G8 = General Staff Level office for Force Development and Analysis

G9 = General Staff Level office for Civil Operations

GBU = Guided Bomb Unit

GEN = General

GI = Government Issue

GIG = Global Information Grid

GIGO = Garbage In Garbage Out

GO = General Officer

GOCO = Government Owned, Contractor Operated

GPMG = General Purpose Machine Gun

GPS = Global Positioning System

GS = General Schedule

H ⇑ back to top ⇑

HAAM = High Altitude Airdrop Missions

HAHO = High Altitude High Opening

HALO = High Altitude Low Opening

HBL = Holiday Block Leave

HE = High Explosive

HEAT = High Explosive Anti-Tank Warhead

HEP = High Explosive, Plastic

HESH = High Explosive Squash Head

HHB = Headquarters and Headquarters Battery

HHC = Headquarters and Headquarters Company

HHT = Headquarters and Headquarters Troop

HIMARS = High Mobility Artillery Rocket System

HMFIC = Head Motherfucker In Charge

HMMWV = High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle

HOMSEC = Homeland Security

HQ = Headquarters

HRAP = Hometown Recruiter Assistance Program

HTCL = Remote Hover Trim Controller

HUD = Head Up Display

HUMINT = Human Intelligence

HVI = High Value Individual

HVR = Hover

HVT = High Value Target

HYT = High Year Tenure

I ⇑ back to top ⇑

IAVA = Information Assurance Vulnerability Alert

ICBM = Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

ICE = Individual Carrying Equipment

ID = Identification

IED = Improvised Explosive Device

IFAK = Individual First Aid Kit

IFF = Identification Friend or Foe

IFF = Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals

IFV = Infantry Fighting Vehicle

IG = Inspector General

IN = Infantry

INSCOM = United States Army Intelligence and Security Command

Interpol = International Criminal Police Organization

ISR = Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance

IYAAYAS = If You Ain't AMMO, You Ain't Shit

J ⇑ back to top ⇑

JA = Judge Advocate

JAFO = Just Another Fucking Observer

JAG = Judge Advocate General

JATO = Jet-Assisted Take Off

JDAM = Joint Direct Attack Munition

JEEP = Just Enough Essential Parts

JETDS = Joint Electronics Type Designation System

JNN = Joint Network Node

JSAM = Joint Service Achievement Medal

JSF = Joint Strike Fighter

JSOC = Joint Special Operations Command

JSTARS = Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System

JTF = Joint Task Force

K ⇑ back to top ⇑

KBO = Keep Buggering On

KIA = Killed In Action

KISS = Keep It Simple, Stupid

KP = Kitchen Police

L ⇑ back to top ⇑

LAAD = Low Altitude Air Defense

LAAT = Low Altitude Assault Transport

LAV = Land Artillery Vehicle

LCDR = Lieutenant Commander

LCPL = Lance Corporal

LES = Leave and Earnings Statement

LGOP = Little Group Of Paratroopers

LIC = Low Intensity Conflict

LMTV = Light Medium Tactical Vehicle

LP = Listening Post

LPC = Leather Personnel Carrier

LPO = Leading Petty Officer

LT = Lieutenant

LTC = Lieutenant Colonel

LTG = Lieutenant General

LTJG = Lieutenant, Junior Grade

LUP = Lying-Up Point

LZ = Landing Zone

M ⇑ back to top ⇑

MAJ = Major

MARCENT = Marine Corps Central Command

MARSOC = Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command

MAV = Micro Air Vehicle

MAW = Maximum Allowable Weight

MBT = Main Battle Tank

MCCS = Marine Corps Community Services

MCEITS = Marine Corps Enterprise Information Technology Service

MCEN = Marine Corps Enterprise Network

MCPO = Master Chief Petty Officer

MDTS = Mcdonnell Douglas Training Systems

MedEvac = Medical Evacuation

MFA = Ministry of Foreign Affairs

MG = Machine Gun

MG = Major General

MI = Military Intelligence

MIA = Missing In Action

MICV = Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle

MILCON = Military Construction

MK = Machinery Technician

MK = Mark

MLRS = Multiple Launch Rocket System

MMFD = Miles and Miles of Fucking Desert

MOA = Military Operating Area

MOAB = Mother Of All Bombs

MOAC = Mother of All Coffee

MOB = Main Operating Base

MOBCOM = Mobile Command

MOPP = Mission Oriented Protective Posture

MOS = Military Occupation Specialty

MOUT = Military Operations in Urban Terrain

MPDS = Military Planning Data Allowance

MRAP = Mine Resistant Ambush Protected

MRE = Meal Ready to Eat

MRX = Mission Rehearsal Exercise

MSDC = Marine Science Diving Club

MSgt = Master Sergeant

MSR = Main Supply Route

MTOE = Modified Table Of Organizational Equipment

MTS+ = Movement Tracking System Plus

MTV = Medium Tactical Vehicle

MWR = Morale Welfare Recreation

N ⇑ back to top ⇑

NAFTA = North American Free Trade Agreement

NAS = Naval Air Station

NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

NAVAIR = Naval Air Systems Command

NAVCENT = Naval Forces Central Command

NAVOCEANO = Naval Oceanographic Office

NBACC = National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center

NCIS = Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCO = Non-Commissioned Officer

NCOES = Non-Commissioned Officer Education System

NCOIC = Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge

ND = Negligent Discharge

NDP = Night Defensive Position

NEFF = New Equipment Fielding Facility

NIBC = National Interagency Biodefense Campus

NICBR = National Interagency Confederation for Biological Research

NLT = No Later Than

NMC = Not Mission Capable

NMCI = Naval Marine Corps Intranet

NME = Non-Mission Essential

NNMSA = Non-Nuclear Munitions Storage Area

NOC = Non Official Cover

NORAD = North American Aerospace Defense Command

NPDES = National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

NSA = National Security Agency

NSW = Naval Special Warfare

NSWDG = Naval Special Warfare Development Group

NUB = Non-Useful Body

NVD = Night Vision Device

O ⇑ back to top ⇑

O&M, MC = Operations & Maintenance, Marine Corps

O&M, N = Operations & Maintenance, Navy

OBE = Overrun By Events

OCONUS = Outside Continental United States

OCP = Operational Camouflage Pattern

OCS = Officer Candidate School

ODA = Operational Detachment-Alpha

ODU = Operational Dress Uniform

OIC = Officer in Charge

OIG = Office of Inspector General

OM = On the Move

OODA = Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act

OP = Observation Post

OPORD = Operations Order

OPR = Officer Performance Report

OPSEC = Operations Security

ORM = Operational Risk Management

OSM = Oh Shit Moment

OSP = On Site Procurement

OSP = Orbital Services Program

OTF = Out There Flapping

OTS = Officer Training School

OTV = Outer Tactical Vest

P ⇑ back to top ⇑

PACAF = Pacific Air Forces

PACOM = Pacific Command

PAT = Process Action Team

PATT = Pattern

PAX = Passengers

PCS = Permanent Change of Station

PDS = Permanent Duty Station

PDT = Pre-Deployment Training

PE = Plastic Explosive

PEBCAK = Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard

PFC = Private First Class

PFM = Pure Fucking Magic

PFT = Physical Fitness Test

PII = Personally Identifiable Information or Personal Identity Information

PL = Platoon Leader

PLT = Platoon

PMC = Partially Mission Capable

PME = Professional Military Education

PMS = Planned Maintenance Schedule

PNG = Passive Night Goggles

PO = Post Office

PO1 = Petty Officer 1st Class

PO2 = Petty Officer 2nd Class

PO3 = Petty Officer 3rd Class

POC = Point Of Contact

POG = Person Other than Grunt

POL = Petroleum Oil & Lubricants

POTUS = President of the United States

POV = Privately Owned Vehicle

POW = Prisoner Of War

PPG = PT Parade Games

PPPPPPP = Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance

PRP = Personnel Reliability Program

PRP = Pretty Retarded Program

PRT = Physical Readiness Training

PRT = Provincial Reconstruction Team

PT = Physical Training

PTB = Powers That Be

PV2 = Private 2nd class

PVT = Private

PX = Post Exchange

Q ⇑ back to top ⇑

QUP = Quantity per Unit Pack

R ⇑ back to top ⇑

RATELO = Radiotelephone Operator

RATO = Rocket Assisted Take Off

REMF = Rear Echelon Mother Fucker

RFL = Response Force Leader

ROE = Rules Of Engagement

ROMA Data = Right Out of My Ass Data

ROWPU = Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit

ROZ = Restricted Operating Zone

RPG = Rocket-Propelled Grenade

RPG = Rounds Per Minute

RSS = Regional Security System

RTB = Return To Base

RTO = Radio Telephone Operator

RV = Rendezvous

S ⇑ back to top ⇑

SA = Seaman Apprentice

SA = Situation Awareness

SAAS = Standard Army Ammunition System

SAM = Surface-to-Air Missile

SARS = Search And Rescue Swimmer

SARSS = Standard Army Retail Supply System

SCIF = Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility

SCO = Squadron Commander

SCOTUS = Supreme Court of the United States

SCPO = Senior Chief Petty Officer

SD = Status Destroyed

SDD = Solution Delivery Division

SEAC = Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

SEAL = Sea, Air and Land

SERE = Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape

SFC = Sergeant First Class

SFOD-A = Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha

SFOD-B = Special Forces Operational Detachment Bravo

SFOD-C = Special Forces Operational Detachment Charlie

SFOD-D = Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta

SGM = Sergeant Major

SGT = Sergeant

SITREP = Situation Report

SJA = Staff Judge Advocate

SLAM = Standoff Land Attack Missile

SLBM = Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile

SLOTUS = Second Lady of the United States

SMA = Sergeant Major of the Army

SMEAC = Situation, Mission, Execution, Admin, Command

SMSgt = Senior Master Sergeant

SN = Seaman

SNAFU = Situation Normal: All Fucked Up

SOCCENT = Special Operations Command CENTCOM

SOCOM = United States Special Operations Command

SOFA = Status of Forces Agreement

SOL = Shit Out of Luck

SOLJWF = Shit Out of Luck and Jolly Well Fucked

SOP = Standard Operating Procedures

SOS = Shit On a Shingle

SPC = Specialist

SR = Seaman Recruit

SrA = Senior Airman

SRBM = Short-Range Ballistic Missile

SSBN = Nuclear-Powered Ballistic Missile Submarine

SSDD = Same Shit Different Day

SSDDBS = Same Shit Different Day Bigger Shovel

SSG = Staff Sergeant

SSGN = Nuclear-Powered Cruise Missile Submarine

SSgt = Staff Sergeant

SSN = Nuclear-Powered Attack Submarine

STOVL = Short Takeoff, Vertical Landing

STRT = Start

STT = Schedule Training Time

STTWG = Submarine Training/Trainer Working Group

STVTS = Submarine Tactical Visual Training System

SUSFU = Situation Unchanged, Still Fucked Up

SWAG = Scientific Wild Ass Guess

SWAK = Sealed With A Kiss

SWP = Space, Weight And Power

SWS = Strategic Weapons System

T ⇑ back to top ⇑

TACP = Tactical Air Control Party

TAD = Temporary Additional Duty

TAO = Tactical Action Officer

TARFU = Totally And Royally Fucked Up

TBD = To Be Determined

TCCC = Tactical Combat Casualty Care

TCMDR = Troop Commander

TDPFO = Temporary Duty Pending Further Orders

TDY = Temporary Duty

TEL = Transporter Erector Launcher

TF = Task Force

TFOA = Things Falling Off Aircraft

TIC = Troops In Contact

TOC = Tactical Operations Center

TRADOC = U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command

TSgt = Technical Sergeant

TU = Tits Up

U ⇑ back to top ⇑

UA = Unauthorized Absence

UAS = Unmanned Aerial System

UAV = Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

UCAV = Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle

UCP = Universal Camouflage Pattern

ULLS = Unit Level Logisitics System

UMA = Unit Mobilization Assistor

UN = United Nations

US = Unserviceable

USAF = United States Air Force

USAFA = United States Air Force Academy

USAFE = United States Air Forces in Europe

USAMRAA = United States Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity

USAMRICD = United States Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense

USAMRIID = United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease

USAMRMC = United States Army Medical Research and MateriƩl Command

USAREC = US Army Recruiting Command

USCG = US Army European Command

USCGC = United States Coast Guard Cutter

USMA = United States Military Academy

USMC = United States Marine Corps

USN = United States Navy

USNA = United States Naval Academy

USO = United Service Organizations

USR = Unit Status Report

USS = United States Ship

USSS = United States Secret Service

UUV = Unmanned Underwater Vehicle

UXB = Unexploded Bomb

UXO = Unexploded Ordnance

V ⇑ back to top ⇑

VBIED = Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device

VDM = Visual Distinguishing Mark

VFD = Volunteer Fire Department

VFR = Volunteer Fire and Rescue

VPOTUS = Vice President of the United States

W ⇑ back to top ⇑

WCS = Worst Case Scenario

WIA = Wounded In Action

WILCO = Will Comply

WMD = Weapons of Mass Destruction

WO1 = Warrant Officer 1

WORM = War Operating Ready Material

WSA = Weapons Storage Area

WST = Weapon System Trainer

WTHR = Weather

X ⇑ back to top ⇑

XO = Executive Officer

Y ⇑ back to top ⇑

YGBSM = You Gotta Be Shitting Me

Z ⇑ back to top ⇑