Acronym Hub 📋

lists of common acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms

Lord of the Rings Online acronyms


A ⇑ back to top ⇑

AEOP = Arador's End Outpost

AFK = Away From Keyboard

Agi = Agility

AH = Auction Hall

Anon = Anonymous

Anvil = The Anvil of Winterstith

AoE = Area of Effect

B ⇑ back to top ⇑

BA = Blackarrow

BB = Big Battle

BBS = Blood of the Black Serpent

Bells/BoD = The Bells of Dale

Bells = The Bells of Dale

BEO = Beorning

BFE = Battle for Erebor

BG = Barad Gularan

BG = Barad Guldur

BoA = Bind on Acquire

BoE = Bind on Equip

BoLo = Battle of Lorien

BotBS = Blood of the Black Serpent

BoV = Blessing of the Valar

BoV = Brink of Victory

BRG = Burglar

BtA = Bound to Account

Bug = Bugud

Burg = Burglar

BV = Bear Valley

C ⇑ back to top ⇑

CC = Crowd Control

CD = Carn Dum

CD = Cool Down

CD = Critical Defence

CG = Captain-General

CG = Caras Galadhon

CG = Central Gondor

CJ = Corpse Jumping

COD = Cash On Delivery

Comm = Commendations

CoS = The Court of Seregost

Cotc = Cry of the Chorus

CPT = Captain

CR = Critical Rating

Craid = Creep Raid

Creep = monster player

Crit = Critical

CXP = Crafting XP

D ⇑ back to top ⇑

D/P = Ost Dunhoth - Disease and Poison wing

DA = Dol Amroth

DC = Deeping-Comb

DC = The Deeping-Coomb

DD = Dark Delvings

DDG = Dungeons of Dol Guldur

Def = Defiler

Defence = The Defence of Minas Tirith

Dev = Devastating blow

DG = Dar-Gazag

DL = Draigoch's Lair

DMT = Defence of Minas Tirith

DN = Dar Narbugud

DoDG = Dungeons of Dol Guldur

DoMT = the Defence of Minas Tirith

DoS = The Dome of Stars

DoT = Damage over Time

DP = Destiny Points

DPS = Damage Per Second

Draig = Draigoch's Liar

Drake = Helegrod Drake Wing

DU = Dargnakh Unleashed

Dungeons = Dungeons of Dol Guldur

DW = Battle of the Deep-way

DW = The Deeping Wall

E ⇑ back to top ⇑

EB = Epic Battle

EC = Elf Camp

Emp/s = Scrolls of empowerment

ExPack = Expansion Pack

F ⇑ back to top ⇑

F2P = Free 2 Play

FA = First Age

FE = Fangorn's Edge

FE = Fornost: Wraith of Earth

FF = Fornost: Wraith of Fire

FG = Fil Gashan

FI = Featured Instance

Fin = Finesse Rating

Flight = Flight to the Lonely Mountain

FM = Fellowship Manoeuvre

Ford = Ford of Bruinen

Forges = Forges of Khazad-dûm

FoS = The Fires of Smaug

FotM = Flavour of the Month

Foundry = The Foundry

FPS = Frames Per Second

Freep = Free person

FS = Fornost: Wraith of Shadow

FT = Forgotten Treasury

FttLM = Flight to the Lonely Mountain

FW = Fornost: Wraith of Water

G ⇑ back to top ⇑

GA = Garth Agarwen

GB = The Great Barrow

GC = The Glittering Caves

GG = Good map to Grimwood

Giant = Helegrod Giant Wing

GL = Good map to Lugazag

GLFF = Global chat channel Looking For a Fellowship

Gling = Glinghant

GM = Gamemaster

GoR = Gap of Rohan

GotV = Gift of the Valar

GR = The Great River

Grams = Gramsfoot

GRD = Guardian

GS = The Grand Stair

GT = Goblin Town

GTA = Good map to Tol Ascarnen

GTR = Good map to Tirith Rhaw

GV = Glan Vraig

H ⇑ back to top ⇑

Hammer = Hammer of the Underworld

HB = The Hornburg

HD = Helm's Dike

HD = Helms Deep

HD = Helm's Dike

Hele = Helegrod

HG = Helegrod

HH = Hoarhallow

HHOP = Hoarhallow Outpost

HIPS = Hide in Plain Sight

HNT = Hunter

HoC = Halls of Crafting

HoM = The Mirror-halls of Lumul-nar

HoN = The Halls of Night

HOP = Hithlad Outpost

HoT = Heals Over Time

HotU = Hammer of the Underworld

HPS = Heals Per Second

HS = Heart Seeker

HU = Hammer of the Underworld

HV = Haudh Valandil

I ⇑ back to top ⇑

Inf = Infamy points

inv = request for an invitation

IoF = Inn of the Forsaken

IP = Iorbar's Peak

Isen = Isendeep

IXP = Item XP

J ⇑ back to top ⇑

K ⇑ back to top ⇑

K/D = Kill : Death ratio

Kin = member of your kinship

L ⇑ back to top ⇑

LC = Lumber Camp

LF = looking for...

LFF = Looking For Fellowship

LFG = Looking For Group

LFM = Looking For More...

LFR = Looking For Raid

LI = Legendary Item

Lib = The Library at Tham Mirdain

LL = The Lone-Lands

LLG = Limlight Gorge

LM = Lore-Master

LOTRO = Lord Of The Rings Online

LP = Lotro Points

LR = Lang Rhuven

LT = The Lost Temple

Lugs = Lugazag

lvl = Level

M ⇑ back to top ⇑

MA = Main Assist

Mats = Materials

MC = Mithril Coins

MD = Michel Delving

Mezz = any type of crowd control

Mine = Isendeep mine

Mini = Minstrel

Mirk = Mirkwood

Mirrors = Mirror Halls of Lumul-nar

Mits = Mitigations

MM = The Misty Mountains

MNS = Minstrel

MoM = Mines of Moria

Moors = The Ettenmoors

MT = Main Tank

MT = Minas Tirith

MT = Miss-Tell

N ⇑ back to top ⇑

NCF = Northcotton Farm

ND = The North Downs

Necro = Breaching the Necromancer's Gate

NI = North Ithilien

NPC = Non-Player Character

O ⇑ back to top ⇑

Oathies = Oathbreaker's Shame

OC = Orc Camp

OD = Ost Dunhoth

OE = Ost Elendil

OG = Ost Guruth

OOC = Out of Context

OP = Overpowered

OR = Ost Ringdyr

Orthanc = Tower of Orthanc

Osg = Osgiliath

Ost = Ost Ringdyr

P ⇑ back to top ⇑

PC = Piercing Cry

Pel = Pelargir

Pel = Retaking Pelargir

Pen = penetrating shot

Phys mit = Physical mitigation

Pits = Pits of Isengard

Plat = Platinum reward

PM = Physical Mastery

PoI = Pits of Isengard

Poor... = Poor map to…

Pot = Potion

PotD = Paths of the Dead

PP = The defence of the Prancing Pony

Prem = Premium account

PS = Piercing Strike

PST = Please Send Tell

PuG = Pickup Group

PvE = Player Versus Environment

PvMP = Player Versus Monster Player

PvP = Player Versus Player

Q ⇑ back to top ⇑

QH = Quays of the Harlond

QM = Quartermaster

QP = Quest Pack

R ⇑ back to top ⇑

Rako = Rakothas

RC = The Ruined City

Ren = Renown

Rep = Reputation

Rez = Resurrection

Rfi = Ready for invite

Rift = The Rift of Nurz Gashu

RK = Rune-keeper

RNG = Random Number Generator

RoF = Roots of Fangorn

RoI = Rise of Isengard

RoNG = The Rift of Nurz Ghashu

ROP = River Outpost

RoR = Riders of Rohan

RP = Retaking Pelargir

RR = Resistance Rating

RT = Roving Threat

S ⇑ back to top ⇑

SA = Second Age

Sammy = Sambrog

Sch = The School at Tham Mirdain

Scrope = Scrolls + hope token

SD = Spider Den

Serpent = Blood of the Black Serpent

SF = Skumfil

SG = Sammath Gul

SG = Siege of Gondamon

SH = Stoneheight

SH = Sword-Halls of Dol Guldur

Skirm = Skirmish

Skoi = Skoironk

Skraid = Skirmish Raid

Skrokens = Scrolls + hope tokens

Skum = Skumfil

SL = The Sunken Labyrinth

Smaug = The Fires of Smaug

SoA = Shadows of Angmar

SoD = Surety of Death

SoG = Siege of Gondamon

SoM = Siege of Mirkwood

SoS = Soliloqui of Spirit

SoV = Spear of Virtue

Spider = Helegrod Spider Wing

SS = Sari-Surma

SSG = Standing Stone Games

Stab = South Tol Ascarnen bridge

STH = Stoneheight

Storm = Storm on Methedras

T ⇑ back to top ⇑

T1 = Tier 1 instance

T2 = Tier 2 instance

T2C = Tier 2 instance with a challenge

T3 = Tier 3 instance

T3C = Tier 3 instance with a challenge

TA = Tol Ascarnen

Tact Mit = Tactical Mitigation

TC = Tarlang's Crown

TC = Thror's Comb

Throne = Throne of the Dread Terror

TM = Tactical Mastery

ToO = Tower of Orthanc

ToT = Towers of The Teeth

TotDT = Throne of the Dread Terror

TP = Turbine Points

TPS = Threat Per Second

TR = Tirith Rhaw

Treasury = The Forgotten Treasury

TS = Teamspeak

TSS = The Silent Street

Tuck = Trouble in Tuckborough

Turtle = Filikul

U ⇑ back to top ⇑

UO = The Unbroken One

Uru = Urugarth

V ⇑ back to top ⇑

Vado = Vadokhar

Vent = Ventrilo

VIP = VIP account

Vit = Vitality

VM = The Vile Maw

W ⇑ back to top ⇑

W/F = Wound and Fear wing

Watcher = The Vile Maw

WB = Warband

WC = World Chat

Webs = Webs of the Scuttledells

WG = West Gondor

WL = Warleader

WoS = The Battle of the Way of Smiths

WoW = Wraith of Water

WP = Warg-pens of Dol Guldur

WRD = Warden

Wtab = West Tol Ascarnen Bridge

WTB = Want To Buy

WTS = Want To Sell

WTT = Want To Trade

WW = Water Wheels of Nala-dum

WW = Water-works

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