A. = Atlantic Reporter
A.2d = Atlantic Reporter, 2nd Series
A.L.R. = American Law Reports
A.L.R. Fed. = American Law Reports, Federal
A.L.R.2d = American Law Reports, 2nd Series
A.L.R.3d = American Law Reports, 3rd Series
A.L.R.4th = American Law Reports, 4th Series
A.L.R.5th = American Law Reports, 5th Series
A.L.R.6th = American Law Reports, 6th Series
A.S.S. = Acta Sanctae Sedis
a/a/o = as assignee of
AAS = Acta Apostolicae Sedis
ABA = American Bar Association
Acad. = Academy
ACC = Association of Corporate Counsel
Admin. = Administration
ads. = ad sectam (versus)
Adver. = Advertising
Agric. = Agricultural
Ala. Admin. Code = Alabama Administrative Code
Ala. Code = Code of Alabama 1975
Alaska Admin. Code = Alaska Administrative Code
Alaska Stat. = Alaska Statutes
All ER = All England Law Reports
Alt. = Alternative
Am. Jur. = American Jurisprudence
Am. Jur. 2d. = American Jurisprudence, 2nd Series
Am. = American
Anor = Another
Ap. const. = apostolic constitution
Ariz. Admin. Code = Arizona Administrative Code
Ariz. Admin. Reg. = Arizona Administrative Register
Ariz. Rev. Stat. = Arizona Revised Statutes
Ark. Code = Arkansas Code
Art = Article
Artt. = Articles
ASAP = As soon as possible
Ass'n = Association
Assoc. = Associate
Atl. = Atlantic
ATS = At the suit of
Atty = Attorney
Auth. = Authority
Auto. = Automobile
Ave. = Avenue
B.A.P. = Bankruptcy Appellate Panel
Bankr. = Bankruptcy
Bd. = Board
BFP = Bona fide purchaser
Bhd. = Brotherhood
Bl. Com. = Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England
Bldg. = Building
BR = Bankruptcy
Broad. = Broadcast
Bros. = Brothers
Bus. = Business
C-C = Counterclaim
c. = chapter
C.F.R. = Code of Federal Regulations
C = Contract
CA Fed. = Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
CA = Class action
CA = Court of Appeals
Cal. Code Reg. = California Code of Regulations
Cal. Code = California Code
Cas. = Casualty
CB = Casebook
CBJ = California Bar journal
cc. = chapters
CC = Commerce Clause
CCEO = Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches
CCEO = Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium
CCH = Commerce Clearing House
CCR = California Code of Regulations
CD = Closing disclosure
CE = Collateral estoppel
Cent. = Central
CFR = Call for Response
CFR = Code of Federal Regulations
Chem. = Chemical
CIC = Codex Iuris Canonici
CIF = Coming into force
CJS = Corpus Juris Secundum
CL = Common law
CLSA = Canon Law Society of America
Cmty. = Community
CNeg = Contributory negligence
Cnty. = County
Co. Lit. = Coke on Littleton
Co. = Company
Coal. = Coalition
Coll. = College
Comm'n = Commission
Comm'r = Commissioner
Comm. = Committee
Commc'n = Communication
Comp. = Compensation
Comput. = Computer
Condo. = Condominium
Cong. Rec. = Congressional Record
Cong. = Congressional
Consol. = Consolidated
Constr. = Construction
Cont'l = Continental
Coop. = Cooperative
Cor. = Coram
Corp. = Corporation
Corr. = Correction
CRS = Congressional Research Service
Cs = Constitution
Ct. Cl. = United States Court of Federal Claims Reporter
Ctr. = Center
Cx-C = Cross-claim
Cx = Constitution
Cxl = Constitutional
d/b/a = doing business as
DAC = Days After Contract
DBA = Doing business as
Decr. = Decretum
Def. = Defense
Dep't = Department
Det. = Detention
Dev. = Development
Dig. = Digital
Dir. = Director
Disc. = Discount
Dist. = District
Distrib. = Distributing
Div. = Division
DOA = Court of Appeals
DoCRA = Duty of Care Risk Analysis Standard
E. = Eastern
Econ. = Economic
Educ. = Educational
EE = Employee
Elec. = Electrical
Emp. = Employee
Eng'g = Engineering
Eng'r = Engineer
Enter. = Enterprise
Entm't = Entertainment
Env't = Environment
Envtl. = Environmental
Equal. = Equality
Equip. = Equipment
ER = Employer
Et al. = And others
et als. = et alia "and others"
et seq. = et sequens "and following"
Exam'r = Examiner
Exch. = Exchange
Exec. = Executive
Exp. = Exportation
Expl. = Exploratory
F. Supp. = Federal Supplement
F. Supp. 2d = Federal Supplement, 2nd Series
F.2d = Federal Reporter, 2nd Series
F.3d = Federal Reporter, 3rd Series
F. = Federal Reporter
F.App'x = Federal Appendix
F.Cas. = Federal Cases 1789–1880
f/k/a = formerly known as
Fed'n = Federation
Fed. R. Bankr. P. = Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure
Fed. R. Civ. P. = Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Fed. R. Crim. P. = Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
Fed. R. Evid. = Federal Rules of Evidence
Fed. Reg. = Federal Register
Fed. = Federal
Fid. = Fidelity
Fin. = Financial
Found. = Foundation
FRCP = Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
FRE = Federal Rules of Evidence
GAL = Guardian ad litem
GATT = General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GC = General Counsel
Gen. = General
Gend. = Gender
Gov't = Government
Grp. = Group
Guar. = Guaranty
GVR = Grant, Vacate, and Remand
HC = Hypothetical Client
HDC = Holder in due course
Hosp. = Hospital
Hous. = Housing
I.L.M. = International Legal Materials
ILRM = Irish Law Reports Monthly
Imp. = Importation
Inc. = Incorporated
Indem. = Indemnity
Indep. = Independent
Indus. = Industrial
Info. = Information
Ins. = Insurance
Inst. = Institution
Instr. = Instruction
Int'l = International
Inv'r = Investor
Inv. = Investment
IR = Irish Law Reports
IRB = Internal Revenue Bulletin
IRC = Internal Revenue Code
ISLN = International Standard Lawyer Number
J = Judge
JCD = Juris Canonici Doctor
JCL = Juris Canonici Licentiatus
JJ = Judges
JMOL = Judgment as a matter of law
JNOV = Judgment notwithstanding verdict
Jx = Jurisdiction
L.Ed = Lawyers' Edition
L.Ed.2d = Lawyers 2nd Edition
L/C = Letter of credit
Lab. = Laboratory
Liab. = Liability
Litig. = Litigation
LL.B. = Legum Baccalaureus
LL.D. = Legum Doctor
LL.M. = Legum Magister
LLC = Limited liability company
LLP = Limited liability partnership
Ltd. = Limited
M.P. = motu proprio
Mach. = Machine
Maint. = Maintenance
Mar. = Maritime
Mech. = Mechanical
Med. = Medical
Mem'l = Memorial
Merch. = Merchandising
Metro. = Metropolitan
Mfg. = Manufacturing
Mfr. = Manufacturer
Mgmt. = Management
MIL = Motion in limine
Mkt. = Market
Mktg. = Marketing
Mortg. = Mortgage
MOU = Memorandum of Understanding
MPC = Model Penal Code
MSJ = Motion for Summary Judgment
Mun. = Municipal
Mut. = Mutual
N. = Northern
N.E. = North Eastern Reporter
N.E.2d = North Eastern Reporter, 2nd Series
N.W. = North Western Reporter
N.W.2d = North Western Reporter, 2nd Series
n/k/a = Now Known As
Nat'l = National
NDA = Non-Disclosure Agreement
Ne. = Northeastern
NGO = Non Government Organization
No. = Number
Nw. = Northwestern
o/b/o = on behalf of
Op. = Opinion
Org. = Organization
Ors = Others
P'ship = Partnership
P. = Pacific Reporter
P.2d = Pacific Reporter, 2nd Series
P.3d = Pacific Reporter, 3rd Series
p. = Page
P = Page
Pac. = Pacific
Pers. = Person
Pharm. = Pharmaceuticals
PL = Public Law
pp. = Pages
Prae. = Praenotanda
Pres. = Preservation
Prob. = Probation
Prod. = Production
Prof'l = Professional
Prop. = Property
Prot. = Protection
Pub. = Public
Pub.L. = Public Law
Publ'g = Publishing
Publ'n = Publication
QDRO = Qualified Domestic Relations Order
R.E. = Real Estate
R.E. = Real Estate
R.I.A.A. = Reports of International Arbitral Awards
R.R. = Railroad
R = Rex or Regina
Rd. = Road
Ref. = Refining
Reg'l = Regional
Rehab. = Rehabilitation
Relv. = Relevant
Reprod. = Reproduction
Res. = Resource
Rescr. = Rescriptum
Resp. = Responsum
Rest. = Restaurant
Ret. = Retirement
Rev. Proc. = Revenue Procedure
Rev. Rul. = Revenue Ruling
Ry. = Railway
S'holder = Shareholder
S. Ct. = Supreme Court Reporter (Supreme Court of the United States)
s. = Section
S. = Southern
S.E.2d = South Eastern Reporter, 2nd Series
S.E. = South Eastern Reporter
S.R.R. = Sacræ Rotæ Romanæ, the Tribunal of the Roman Rota
S.W.2d = South Western Reporter, 2nd Series
S.W.3d = South Western Reporter, 3rd Series
S.W. = South Western Reporter
S/J = Summary judgment
Sav. = Savings
Sch. = School
Sci. = Scientific
SCOTUS = Supreme Court of the United States
sd = said
Se. = Southeastern
Sec'y = Secretary
Sec. = Security
Serv. = Service
SI = Statutory instruments
SMJ = Subject-matter jurisdiction
So. = Southern Reporter
So. 2d = Southern Reporter, 2nd Series
Soc'y = Society
Soc. = Social
Sol. = Solution
SOL = Statute of Limitations
SOR = Statutory Orders and Regulations
ss. = Sections
St. = Street
Stat. = United States Statutes at Large
Subcomm. = Subcommittee
Sur. = Surety
Sw. = Southwestern
Sys. = System
T.C. = Reported decisions of the United States Tax Court
T.D. = Treasury Decision
U.S. = United States Reports
UCC = Uniform Commercial Code
UCMJ = Uniform Code of Military Justice
UPC = Uniform Probate Code
USC = United States Code
USCA = United States Code Annotated
USCCAN = United States Code Congressional and Administrative News
USCS = United States Code Service
UST = United States Treaties and Other International Agreements
v. = versus
W. Va. Code = West Virginia Code
WTO = World Trade Organization
XN = Examination in Chief
XXN = Cross examination