Acronym Hub 📋

lists of common acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms

Guild Wars acronyms


A ⇑ back to top ⇑

AB = Alliance Battle

AC = Alliance Chat

AE Dis = American English district

AoE = Area of Effect

AoT = Armbrace of Truth

assa = Assassin

B ⇑ back to top ⇑

BA = Burning Arrow (ranger skill)

BB = Backbreaker (warrior skill)

BB = Blood Bond (necromancer skill)

BB = Body Block

BB = Body Blow (warrior skill)

BDS = Bone Dragon Staff

BM = Beast Mastery (ranger attribute

BM = Blood Master (necromancer attribute)

BR = Battle Rage (warrior skill)

BR = Bladeturn Refrain (Paragon skill)

BR = Blood Renewal (Necromancer skill)

BR = Blood Ritual (necromancer skill)

BU = Essence of Celerity

C ⇑ back to top ⇑

CA = Cracked Armor

CC = Celestial Compass

CC = Changing Character

CoF = Cathedral of Flames

cons = Consumable set

CoP = Cry of Pain (Mesmer skill)

CS = Critical Strike (Assasin attribute)

D ⇑ back to top ⇑

DA = Deadly Arts (Assasin attribute)

DB = Death Blossom (Assasin skill)

DC = Death's Charge (Assasin skill)

DC = Disconnect

DCed = Disconnected

derv = Dervish

Dis = District

DoA = Domain of Anguish

DShot = Distracting Shot

DSR = Dhuum's Soul Reaper

E ⇑ back to top ⇑

EB = Earthbind (Ritualist skill)

EB = Embark Beach

EB = Energy Boon (Elementalist skill)

EB = Essence Bond (Monk skill)

EBlade = Emerald Blade

EBlade = Eternal Blade

EBSoH = Ebon Battle Standard of Honor

ecto = Glob of Ectoplasm

EE = Ebon Escape

EEE = Embark Beach Europe English district

EL = Everlasting tonic

ele = Elementalist

emo = Elementalist/Monk

ench = enchantment

EoC = Essence of Celerity

EoE = Edge of Extinction

EotN = Eye of the North

ES = Earth Shaker (warrior skill)

ES = Energy Storage (Elementalist attribute)

EVAS = Ebon Vanguard Assassin Support

F ⇑ back to top ⇑

FA = Fort Aspenwood

FB = Fall Back (Paragon skill)

FB = Flashing Blades (Assassin skill)

FoW = Fissure of Woe

FS = Frozen Soil (Ranger skill)

G ⇑ back to top ⇑

GC = Guild Chat

GG = Good Game

GH = Guild Hall

GLF = Group Looking For

GoS = Glyph of Sacrifice (Elementalist skill)

GoS = Glyph of Swiftness (Elementalist skill)

GotH = Gift of the Huntsman

GotT = Gift of the Traveler

GToB = Great Temple of Balthazar

GvG = Guild versus Guild

GW = Guild Wars

GWAMM = God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals

GWB = Guild Wars Beyond

H ⇑ back to top ⇑

HA = Heroes' Ascent

HB = Healer's Boon (Monk skill)

HB = Healing Burst (Monk skill)

HB = Hundred Blades (Warrior skill)

HCT = Halves Casting Time

HH = Heroes / Henchmen

HM = Hard Mode

HoM = Hall of Monuments

HP = Healing Prayers (Monk attribute)

HSR = Halves Skill Recharge

I ⇑ back to top ⇑

Imba = Imbagon

Int Dis = International District

J ⇑ back to top ⇑

JQ = Jade Quarry

K ⇑ back to top ⇑

Kama = Kamadan, Jewel of Istan

KD = Knock Down

KoaBD = Kind of a Big Deal

L ⇑ back to top ⇑

LA = Lava Arrows (Elementalist skill)

LA = Life Attunement (Monk skill)

LA = Lyssa's Aura (Mesmer skill)

LA = Lion's Arch

LDoA = Legendary Defender of Ascalon

LF = Liquid Flame (Elementalist skill)

LF = Locust's Fury (Assassin skill)

LFG = Looking for Group

LoD = Light Deldrimor

LP = Lockpick

LS = Life Sheath (Monk skill)

M ⇑ back to top ⇑

Me = Mesmer

mes = Mesmer

mez = Mesmer

MM = Minion Master

Mo = Monk

MoI = Mirror of Ice (Elementalist skill)

MoP = Mantra of Persistence (Mesmer skill)

MoP = Mark of Protection (Monk skill)

MoP = Nark of Pain (Necromancer skill)

N ⇑ back to top ⇑

necro = Necromancer

NF = Guild Wars Nightfall

NM = Normal Mode

NOP = No Opposing Party

O ⇑ back to top ⇑

obby = Obsidian Armor

OS = Old School, uninscribable weapons

P ⇑ back to top ⇑

para = Paragon

PBAoE = Point Blank Area of Effect

PC = Price Check

pcons = Personal consumables

PD = Psychic Distraction (Mesmer skill)

perma = Permanent

Perma pre = Permanent pre-Searing character

PI = Pain Inverter

PI = Psychic Instability (Mesmer skill)

PM = Private Message

Post = Post-Searing

Pre = Pre-searing

Proph = Guild Wars Prophecies

PS = Palm Strike (Assassin skill)

PS = Party Search panel

PS = Patient Spirit (Monk skill)

PS = Protective Spirit (Monk skill)

PvE = Player versus Environment

PvP = Player versus Player

Q ⇑ back to top ⇑

QCT = Quarters Casting Time

R ⇑ back to top ⇑

RA = Random Arenas

req = Requirement

rit = Ritualist

rupt = interrupt

S ⇑ back to top ⇑

SA = Shadow Arts (Assassin attribute)

SA = Shattering Assault (Assassin skill)

SA = Sliver Armor (Elementalist skill)

SA = Spectral Agony

SA = Stoneflesh Aura (Elementalist skill)

SA = Swirling Aura (Elementalist skill)

SB = Spirit Bond (Monk skill)

SB = Splinter Barrage

SC = Speed Clear

SF = Searing Flames (Elementalist skill)

SF = Shadow Form (Assassin skill)

SH = Savannah Heat (Elementalist skill)

SH = Searing Heat (Elementalist skill)

SH = Shielding Hands (Monk skill)

SH = Smite Hex (Monk skill)

sin = Assassin

SoC = Signet of Capture

SoGM = Signet of Ghostly Might

SoH = Signet of Humility (Mesmer skill)

SoO = Shards of Orr

SoS = Signet of Spirits (Ritualist skill)

SoS = Signet of Suffering (Necromancer skill)

SS = Spiteful Spirit (Necromancer skill)

SS = Summoning Stone

ST = Soul Twisting

SV = Spoil Victor (Necromancer skill)

SV = Sympathetic Visage (Mesmer skill)

SW = Scorpion Wire (Assassin skill)

SW = Seeping Wound (Assassin skill)

SW = Shockwave (Elementalist skill)

SW = Spirit Walk (Assassin skill)

SW = Splinter Weapon (Ritualist skill)

SW = Sundering Weapon (Ritualist skill)

T ⇑ back to top ⇑

U ⇑ back to top ⇑

UA = Unyielding Aura

UAS = Unlocked All Skills

UW = Underworld

V ⇑ back to top ⇑

VoS = Vow of Silence (Dervish skill)

VoS = Vow of Strength (Dervish skill)

VQ = Vanquish

VS = Voltaic Spear

VSF = Voltaic Spear Farming

W ⇑ back to top ⇑

Wammo = Warrior/Monk

war = Warrior

WiK = War in Kryta

WoC = Winds of Change

WoR = Weapon of Remedy (Ritualist skill)

WS = War Supplies

WS = Wary Stance (Warrior skill)

WS = Wild Strike (Assassin skill)

WS = Wilderness Survival (Ranger attribute)

WS = Wounding Strike (Dervish skill)

WTB = Want to Buy

WTS = Want to Sell

WTT = Want to Trade

WW = Wastrel's Worry (Mesmer skill)

X ⇑ back to top ⇑

Y ⇑ back to top ⇑

YMLaD = You Move Like a Dwarf

Z ⇑ back to top ⇑

ZB = Zaishen Bounty

ZB = Zealous Benediction (Monk skill)

Zkey = Zaishen Key

ZM = Zaishen Mission

ZV = Zaishen Vanquish

ZV = Zealous Vow (Dervish skill)