Acronym Hub 📋

lists of common acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms

EVE Online acronyms


A ⇑ back to top ⇑

AAR = After Action Report

AAR = Ancillary Armor Repairer

AB = Afterburner

AC = Autocannon

ACR = Ancillary Current Router

ADC = Assault Damage Control

AF = Assault Frigate

AFK = Away From keyboard

Alt = Alternate character

AMC = Amarr Mining Campus

Anomaly = Cosmic Anomaly

Anoms = Cosmic Anomalies

Arby = Arbitrator

Arty = Artillery

ASB = Ancillary Shield Booster

AU = Astronomical Unit

AUR = Aurum

B ⇑ back to top ⇑

BB = Blackbird

BC = Battlecruiser

BCS = Ballistic Control System

BCU = Ballistic Control Unit

Biomass = deleting a character

Blap = To quickly destroy a ship

Blob = a massive fleet

Blops = Black Ops Battleships

Blue = having a positive standing

BM = Bad Manners

BM = Bookmark

Boosh = using a Micro Jump Field Generator to displace part of a fleet

Booster = a ship which provides Command Bursts to their fleet

BPC = Blueprint Copy

BPO = Blueprint Original

BR = Battle Report

BR = Blockade Runner

BS = Battleships

Bump = intentionally colliding with another ship

BYOC = Bring Your Own Can

BYOM = Bring Your Own Minerals

C ⇑ back to top ⇑

Cap Stable = recharging capacitors faster then they are depleted

Cap = Capacitor

Cap = Capital ship

Capital = Capital ship

Capsuleer = player characters

CCC = Capacitor Control Circuit

CD = Command Destroyer

Ceptor = Interceptors

CNR = Caldari Navy Raven

CNR = Raven Navy Issue

CNS = Caldari Navy Scorpion

CNS = Scorpion Navy Issue

Concorded = being destroyed by CONCORD

Corp = Corporation

CovOps = Covert Operations

CPR = Capacitor Power Relay

CPU = Central Processing Unit

CRR = Capacitor Recharge Rate

CSAA = Capital Ship Assembly Array

CSM = Council of Stellar Management

CSPA = CONCORD Spam Prevention Act

CTA = Call to Arms

Cyno = Cynosural field

D ⇑ back to top ⇑

Damp = Sensor dampening

DC = Damage Control

DC = Disconnect

DCU = Damage Control Unit

DCU = Drone Control Unit

DD = Damage dealer

DD = Daredevil

DD = Doomsday weapon

Deathcloning = self destructing to travel to your home station

Depot = Mobile Depot

Dessy = Destroyer

DGC = Defensive Gate Camp

Dictor = Interdictor

Disco = a ship using numerous amounts of smartbombs

Domi = Dominix.

DPS = Damage Per Second.

Dread bomb = jumping a large number of Dreadnoughts into a fight

Dread = Dreadnought.

Drone boat = a ship that relies on drones

DScan = Directional Scan

DST = Deep Space Transport

DT = server Down Time

E ⇑ back to top ⇑

E-Uni = EVE University

EANM = Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane

ECCM = Electronic Counter-Countermeasures

ECM = Electronic Countermeasures

EFT = EVE Fitting Tool

EHP = Effective Hit Points

EP = Escape Point

ET = Energy Transfer

ET = EVE time

ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival

EVE = EVE Online

F ⇑ back to top ⇑

FAX = Force Auxiliary

FC = Fleet Commander

Flip = Can Flipping

Flytrap = a starbase that appears unprotected

FR = Flashing Red

Frogs = Gallente Factional Warfare pilots

FW = Factional Warfare

G ⇑ back to top ⇑

Gank = ambusing and destroying a player

Gate = Acceleration Gate

Gate = Stargate

GCC = Global Criminal Countdown

GF = Good Fight

Godroll = a very lucky Abyssal roll

GSC = Giant Secure Container

Gyro = Gyrostabilizer

H ⇑ back to top ⇑

HAC = Heavy Assault Cruiser

HAM = Heavy Assault Missiles

HAW = High Angle Weapons

HIC = Heavy Interdiction Cruiser

HOC = Hold On Contact

HP = Hit Points

HS = Hard Skills

HS = High Security space

HUD = Heads Up Display

I ⇑ back to top ⇑

In Pipe = in warp

Indy = Industrial

Injector = Skill Injector

Inty = Interceptor

IPH = Inter Stellar Kredits per hour

IRL = In Real life

ISK = Inter Stellar Kredits

iStab = Inertial Stabilizers

J ⇑ back to top ⇑

J-Space = Wormhole space

JC = Jump clone

Jetcan = a container created when jettisoning something

JJJ = Jump, Jump, Jump

JOC = Jump On Contact

Jump = traveling between two solar systems

K ⇑ back to top ⇑

K-Space = Known space

Kitchen Sink = a fleet without a clear doctrine

L ⇑ back to top ⇑

LAR = Large Armor Repairer

Links = Command Bursts

LML = Light Missile Launcher

Local = standard chat channel

Locust = pilots running missions in one large fleet

Logi = Logistics ships

LP = Loyalty Points

LSB = Large Shield Booster

LSC = Low Sec Campus

LSE = Large Shield Extender

M ⇑ back to top ⇑

MAPC = Micro Auxiliary Power Core

MAR = Medium Armor Repairer

ME = Material Efficiency

Merc = Mercenary

MFS = Magnetic Field Stabilizer

Mins = Minerals

MJD = Micro Jump Drive

MJFG = Micro Jump Field Generator

MLU = Mining Laser Upgrade

Mods = Modules

MSE = Medium Shield Extender

MTU = Mobile Tractor Unit

Multiboxing = playing with two + characters simultaneously

MW = Megawatt

MWD = Microwarpdrive

N ⇑ back to top ⇑

Nano = Nanofiber Internal Structure

Nanogang = small fleet of ships reliant on evasion tactics

NBSI = Not Blue, Shoot It

Neut = Energy Neutralizer

NOP = Noobs On Patrol

NOS = Nosferatu

NPC = Non-Player Character

NPSI = Not Purple, Shoot It

NRDS = Not Red, Don't Shoot

NSC = Null Sec Campus

O ⇑ back to top ⇑

Officer = a rare pirate NPC

Omni Tank = a tank effective against all 4 damage types

OMW = On My Way

OOC = Out of Corporation

OP = Overpowered

Ops = Operations

OpSec = Operational Security

ORE = Outer Ring Excavations

Outlaw = a pilot with low security status

P ⇑ back to top ⇑

Painter = Target Painter

PDS = Point Defense System

PDS = Power Diagnostic System

PG = Power Grid

PI = Planetary Interaction

Piracy = engaging in PvP for profit

PL = Pandemic Legion

Plex = Complex

PLEX = Pilot's License Extension

POCO = Player-Owned Customs Office

Pod = Capsule

POS Trash = automated ships sitting within a POS force field

POS = Player-Owned Starbase

Prop Mod = Propulsion Module

PvE = Player versus Environment

PvP = Player versus Player

Q ⇑ back to top ⇑

QRF = Quick Response Fleet

R ⇑ back to top ⇑

Rat = Hostile NPC

Ratting = hunting hostile NPCs pirates

RCU = Reactor Control Unit

Refine = Reprocess

Rep = Repair

ReSeBo = Remote Sensor Booster

RF = Reinforce

RF = Republic Fleet

RHML = Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher

RL = Real Life

RLML = Rapid Light Missile Launcher

RMT = Real Money Trading

RNI = Raven Navy Issue

RoE = Rules of Engagement

RoF = Rate of Fire

RR = Remote Repair

RvB = Red vs Blue

S ⇑ back to top ⇑

SAR = Small Armor Repairer

SB = Sensor Booster

SB = Smartbomb

SB = Stealth Bomber

SC = Squad Commander

Scram = Warp Scrambler

SeBo = Sensor Booster

Sec = Security status

Sisi = Singularity

SKIN = Super Kerr-Induced Nanocoatings

Slowboat = sub-warp velocities

SOP = Standard Operating Procedures

SP = Skill Points

SPAI = Sneaky Player Acquiring Intel

Splash = entering a Wormhole

SPR = Shield Power Relay

Squids = Caldari pilots

SRP = Ship Replacement Program

SS = Soft Skills

SSE = Small Shield Extender

SSO = Single Sign-On

Stab = Warp Core Stabilizer

Stront = Strontium Clathrates

T ⇑ back to top ⇑

TC = Tracking Computer

TD = Tracking Disruptor

TE = Time Efficiency

TE = Tracking Enhancer

TF = Teraflops

TiDi = Time Dilation

TL = Tracking Link

TLF = Tribal Liberation Force

TP = Target Painter

TQ = Tranquility

Trig = Triglavian ship

U ⇑ back to top ⇑

UTC = Universal Time

V ⇑ back to top ⇑

VNI = Vexor Navy Issue

W ⇑ back to top ⇑

W-Space = Wormhole Space

Wardec = War Declaration

WC = Wing Commander

WCS = Warp Core Stabilizer

WH = Wormhole

WHC = Worm Hole Campus

WL = Wait List

WSOP = Wartime Standard Operating Procedures

WT = War Target

X ⇑ back to top ⇑

XLASB = X-Large Ancillary Shield Booster

Y ⇑ back to top ⇑

Z ⇑ back to top ⇑