Acronym Hub 📋

lists of common acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms

Engineering acronyms


A ⇑ back to top ⇑

A = Ampere

AB = As Built

AC = Across Corners

AC = Air Conditioning

AC = Alternating Current

AF = Across Flats

AFF = Above Finished Floor

AFL = Above Floor Level

AG = Agricultural Pipe Drain

AGL = Above Ground Level

AHU = Air Handler Unit

AISI = American Iron And Steel Institute

AL = Aluminium

ALY = Alloy

AMER = American

AMS = Aerospace Material Standards

ANN = Anneal

ANSI = American National Standards Institute

APPROX = Approximately

APS = Approved Product Supplier

APSL = Approved Product Supplier List

AQL = Acceptable Quality Level

AR = As Required

AS = Aerospace Standards

ASA = American Standards Association

ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASME = American Society Of Mechanical Engineers

ASSY = Assembly

ASTM = American Society For Testing And Materials

AV = Approved Vendor

AVG = Average

AVL = Approved-Vendor List

AWG = American Wire Gauge

B ⇑ back to top ⇑

BASIC = Basic Dimension

BC = Bolt Circle

BCD = Bolt Circle Diameter

BHCS = Button Head Cap Screw

BHN = Brinell Hardness Number

BOM = Bill Of Materials

BOP = Bought Out Part

BP = Blueprint

BRZ = Bronze

BSC = Basic Dimension

BSP = British Standard Pipe

BT = Bath Tub or Boundary Trap

BTM = Bottom

C ⇑ back to top ⇑

C-C = Center-To-Center

C/T = Correlation / Tracking

CAD = Computer Aided Design

CAGE = Commercial And Government Entity

CBN = Cubic Boron Nitride

CBORE = Counterbore

CCTV = Closed Circuit TeleVision

CDA = Current Design Activity

CERT = Certification

CFW = Continuous Fillet Weld

CG = Centerless Grinding

CG = Centerless Ground

CHAM = Chamfer

CHS = Circular Hollow Section

CI = Cast Iron

CL = Center Line

CLG = Control Joint

CLR = Clearance

CM = Center Mark

CMU = Cement Masonry Unit

CNC = Computer Numerical Control

CNJ = Construction Joint

COL = Column

COMMS = Communications

CONN = Connection

CONT = Continuous

CR = Controlled Radius

CRES = Corrosion-Resistant steel

CRS = Cold Rolled Steel

CSINK = Countersink

CT = Controller

CTN = Carton

CTR = Center

CTRL = Control

CTRS = Centers

D ⇑ back to top ⇑

D = Delta

DIA = Diameter

DIM = Dimension

DIP = Ductile Iron Pipe

DN = Diameter Nominal

DO = Ditto

DP = Down Pipe

DPD = Digital Product Definition

DWG = Drawing

E ⇑ back to top ⇑

ECN = Engineering Change Note

ECO = Engineering Order

ECR = Engineering Change Request

ED = Edge Distance

ELEC = Electrical

EO = Engineering Order

EQ = Equal

EQL = Equal

EQUIP = Equipment

ERC = Electrical Rule Check

EW = Each Way

EWB = Electric Water Boiler

EXIST = Existing

F ⇑ back to top ⇑

F = Finish

FAO = Finish All Over

FCF = Feature Control Frame

FD = Field Of The Drawing

FIM = Full Indicator Movement

FL = Floor Level

FN = Flag Note

FOC = Fibre Optic Cable

FoS = Feature Of Size

FS = Far Side

FSBL = Full Strength Butt Weld

FSCM = Federal Supply Code For Manufacturers

FTG = Fitting

FTG = Footing

FTP = Fiber Termination Panel

FW = Fillet Weld

G ⇑ back to top ⇑

GCI = Gray Cast Iron

GD&T = Geometric Dimensioning And Tolerancing

GIS = Graphic Information System

GN = General Note

H ⇑ back to top ⇑

H&T = Hardened And Tempered

HBW = Hardness, Brinell, Tungsten Tip

HDPE = High Density Polyethelene

HHCS = Hex Head Cap Screw

HORIZ = Horizontal

HP = High Pressure

HRA = Hardness, Rockwell, A Scale

HRB = Hardness, Rockwell, B Scale

HRC = Hardness, Rockwell, C Scale

HRS = Hot Rolled Steel

HT = Heat Treat

I ⇑ back to top ⇑

IAW = In Accordance With

ID = Identification Number

ID = Inner Diameter

IED = Insufficient Edge Distance

IO = Inspection Opening

ISO = International Organization For Standardization

J ⇑ back to top ⇑

K ⇑ back to top ⇑

KEY = Key

kHz = Kilohertz

KJ = Key Joint

KPSI = Kilopounds Per Square Inch

KWh = Kilo Watt Hour

L ⇑ back to top ⇑

L = Steel Angle

LAN = Local Area Network

LDD = Limited Dimension Drawing

LGX = Line Group Cross

LH = Left Hand

LM = List Of Materials

LMC = Least Material Condition

LPG = Liquid Petroleum Gas

M ⇑ back to top ⇑

M.J. = Movement Joint

M = Meter

MACH = Machine

MAJ = Major

MAX = Maximum

MBD = Model-Based Definition

MBP = Measurement Between Pins

MBW = Measurement Between Wires

MDF = Main Distribution Frame

MF = Make From

MFD = Manufactured

MFG = Manufacturing

MFR = Manufacturer

MHz = Megahertz

MIN = Minimum

MISC = Miscellaneous

MM = Millimetres

MMC = Maximum Material Condition

MOP = Measurement Over Pins

MOW = Measurement Over Wires

MPA = Megapascals

MRB = Material Review Board

MRP = Material Requirements Planning

MS- = Military Standard

MS = Mild Steel

N ⇑ back to top ⇑

N&T = Normalized And Tempered

NAS = National Aerospace Standards

NC = Numerical Control

NCM = Nonconforming Materials

NCR = Nonconformance Report

NEC = National Electrical Code

NEC = Not Elsewhere Classified

NEF = National Extra Fine

NET = Network

NF = National Fine

NL = Notes List

NO = Number

NOM = Nominal

NORM = Normalized

NPR = New Product Release

NPS = Naval Primary Standard

NPT = National Pipe Taper

NS = National Special; Near Side

NS = Near Side

NSCM = National Supply Code For Manufacturers

NSOP = Not Shown On Plan

NTS = Not To Scale

O ⇑ back to top ⇑

OAL = Overall Length

OC = On Center

OD = Outer Diameter

OD = Outside Diameter

ODA = Original Design Activity

OHL = Over High Limit

OPP = Opposite

OPT = Optional

ORIG = Original

P ⇑ back to top ⇑

P.F. = Press Fit

pc = Piece

PCD = Pitch Circle Diameter

pcs = Pieces

PD = Pitch Diameter

PDM = Product Data Management

PDMS = Product Data Management System

PFC = Parallel Flange Channel

PH = Pilot Hole

PH = Precipitation-Hardened

PHR BRZ = Phosphor Bronze

PL = Parts List

PL = Plate

PLM = Product Lifecycle Management

PMI = Product And Manufacturing Information

PN = Part Number

POI = Point Of Intersection

PSI = Pounds Per Square Inch

PT = Pressure Tapping

PTFE = Polytetrafluoroethylene

PVC = Polyvinyl Chloride

Q ⇑ back to top ⇑

QC = Quality Control

QMS = Quality Management System

QTY = Quantity

R ⇑ back to top ⇑

R = Radius

RA = Rockwell A Scale

RA = Roughness Average

RAD = Radius

RAS = Reliability, Availability and Serviceability

RB = Rockwell B Scale

RC = Rockwell C Scale

REF = Reference

REF = Reference

REINF = Reinforcement

REQD = Required

REV = Revision

RFQ = Request for Quote

RFS = Regardless Of Feature Size

RH = Right Hand

RHR = Roughness Height Reading

RHS = Rectangular Hollow Section

RL = Reduced Level or Relative Level

RMA = Return Material Authorization

RMS = Root Mean Square

RT = Room Temperature

RT = Rough Turned

RTP = Release To Production

RTV = Return To Vendor

RTV = Room-Temperature Vulcanizing

RZ = Roughness

S ⇑ back to top ⇑

SAE = Society Of Automotive Engineers

SAN = Sanitary

SC = Sharp Corners

SDU = Sanitary Disposal Unit

SF = Spotface Slip Fit

SF = Strip Footing

SFACE = Spotface

SHCS = Socket Head Cap Screw

SHN = Shown

SHS = Square Hollow Section

SHSS = Socket Head Set Screw

SI = System International

SIM = Similar

SL = Structural Level

SN = Serial Number

SOL ANN = Solution Annealed

SPEC = Specification

SPHER ANN = Spheroidize Anneal

SPOTFACE = Spot Facing

SQ = Square

SR = Spherical Radius

SS = Stainless Steel

SSL = Structural Slab Level

SST = Stainless Steel

STA = Solution Treated And Aged

STD = Standard

STEP = Standard For The Exchange Of Product Model Data

STI = Screw Thread Insert

STK = Stock

STL = Steel

T ⇑ back to top ⇑

TAP = Tapped Hole

TB = Tie Beam

TB = Title Block

TDP = Technical Data Package

TEMP = Temperature

TFC = Taper Flange Channel

THD = Thread

THK = Thick

THK = Thickness

THRD = Threaded

THRU ALL = Through All

THRU = Through

TIR = Total Indicated Run-Out

TIR = Total Indicator Reading

TOL = Tolerance

TOS = Top Of Steel

TSC = Theoretical Sharp Corners

TUN = Tundish

TY = Type

TYP = Typical

U ⇑ back to top ⇑

UA = Unequal Angle

UAI = Use As-Is

UB = Universal Beam

UC = Universal Column

ULL = Under Low Limit

UNC = Unified National Coarse

UNEF = Unified National Extra Fine

UNF = Unified National Fine

UNJC = Unified National "J" Series Coarse

UNJF = Unified National "J" Series Fine

UNO = Unless Noted Otherwise

UNS = Unified National Special

UNS = Unified Numbering System

UON = Unless Otherwise Noted

UOS = Unless Otherwise Specified

USASI = United States Of America Standards Institute

USS = United States Standard

USS = United States Steel

UTS = Ultimate Tensile Strength

UTS = Unified Thread Standard

V ⇑ back to top ⇑

VA = Value Analysis

VERT = Vertical

W ⇑ back to top ⇑

W/I = Within

W/O = Without

WAN = Wide Area Network

WB = Welded Beam

WC = Tungsten Carbide

WC = Water Closet

WC = Welded Column

WD = Working Drawing

WI = Wrought Iron

WP = Water Proof

X ⇑ back to top ⇑

Y ⇑ back to top ⇑

YS = Yield Strength

Z ⇑ back to top ⇑