Acronym Hub 📋

lists of common acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms

Diablo 2 acronyms


A ⇑ back to top ⇑

A1 = Act I

A2 = Act II

A3 = Act III

A4 = Act IV

A5 = Act V

AC = Armor Class

Ama = Amazon

AC = Armor Class

Amp = Amplify Damage (Necromancer skill)

Amu = Amulet

Andy = Andariel (Act 1 Boss)

AOE = Area of Effect

AoKL = Arm of King Leroic

AR = Attack Rating

Asa = Assassin

Asn = Assassin

AW = Ancient's Way

Azn = Amazon

B ⇑ back to top ⇑

BA = Bone Armor (Necromancer skill)

BA = Blessed Aim (Paladin skill)

Barb = Barbarian

Bane = The Gladiator's Bane

BCom = Battle Command (Barbarian skill)

BCry = Battle Cry (Barbarian skill)

BF = Bloody Foothills

BFury = Blade Fury (Assassin skill)

BG = Blood Golem (Necromancer minion)

BH = Blessed Hammer (Paladin skill)

BK = Bul-Kathos

BO = Battle Orders (Barbarian skill)

BoI = Blades of Ice (Assassin skill)

BoS = Burst of Speed (Assassin skill)

BotD = Breath of the Dying (runeword)

BP = Bone Prison (Necromancer skill)

BSentinel = Blade Sentinel (Assassin skill)

BShield = Blade Shield (Assassin skill)

BSpear = Bone Spear (Necromancer skill)

BSpirit = Bone Spirit (Necromancer skill)

BWall = Bone Wall (Necromancer skill)

C ⇑ back to top ⇑

CA = Chilling Armor (Sorceress skill)

CB = Charged Bolt (Sorceress skill)

CB = Crushing Blow

CBF = Cannot Be Frozen

CBS = Charged Bolt Sentry (Assassin skill)

CDmg = Cold Damage

CE = Corpse Explosion (Necromancer skill)

CG = Clay Golem (Necromancer minion)

CI = Cold Immune

CL = Chain Lightning (Sorceress skill)

clvl = Character Level

CM = Claw Mastery (Assassin skill)

CM = Cold Mastery (Sorceress skill)

CoA = Crown of Ages

CoH = Chains of Honor (runeword)

CoS = Cloak of Shadows (Assassin skill)

CoT = Claws of Thunder (Assassin skill)

CRes = Cold Resistance

Crit = Critial Strike

CS = Cobra Strike (Assassin skill)

CtA = Call to Arms (runeword)

D ⇑ back to top ⇑

D2 = Diablo II

D2X = Diablo II Expansion

Dam = Damage

DC = Dragon Claw (Assassin skill)

Decrep = Decrepify (Necromancer skill)

Def = Defense

DEX = Dexterity

DF = Dragon Flight (Assassin skill)

DKK = Don't Kill the cow King!

Dmg = Damage

DoH = Durance of Hell

DOT = Damage Over Time

DPS = Damage Per Second

DR = Damage Reduction

Dru = Druid

DS = Deadly Strike

DS = Death Sentry (Assassin skill)

DT = Dragon Tial (Assassin skill)

dupe = Duplicated Item

Durry = Duriel (Act 2 Boss)

E ⇑ back to top ⇑

ED = Enhanced Damage

ED = Enhanced Defense

EF = Extra Fast

EIAS = Effective Increased Attack Speed

ENG = Energy

ES = Energy Shield (Sorceress skill)

Eth = Ethereal

exp = Experience

EoE = Eye of Etlich

F ⇑ back to top ⇑

FA = Freezing Arrow (Amazon skill)

FA = Frozen Armor (Sorceress skill)

Fana = Fanaticism (Paladin skill)

FB = Fire Blast (Assassin skill)

FB = Fireball (Sorceress skill)

Fb = Fire bolt (Sorceress skill)

FC = Fire Claws (Druid skill)

FCR = Faster Cast Rate

FDmg = Fire Damage

FE = Fire Enchanted

FG = Fire Golem (Necromancer minion)

FHR = Faster Hit Recovery

FI = Fire Immune

FM = Fire Mastery (Sorceress skill)

FN = Frost Nova (Sorceress skill)

FO = Frozen Orb (Sorceress skill)

FoF = Fists of Fire (Assassin skill)

FoH = Fist of the Heavens (Paladin skill)

FPA = Frames per Attack

FPS = Frames per Second

FR = Feral Rage (Druid skill)

FRes = Fire Resistance

FRW = Faster Run/Walk

FT = For Trade

FW = Firewall (Sorceress skill)

G ⇑ back to top ⇑

GA = Guided Arrow (Amazon skill)

GC = Grand Charm

GM = Golem Mastery (Necromancer skill)

GMB = Grand Matron Bow

GS = Glacial Spike (Sorceress skill)

GSA = Goldstrike Arch

GW = Grim Ward (Barbarian skill)

H ⇑ back to top ⇑

H = Hell Difficulty

HB = Holy Bolt (Paladin skill)

HC = Hard Core / Permadeath

HCMTF = Hit Causes Monster to Flee

HF = Holy Freeze (Paladin skill)

HoBL = Hand of Blessed Light

HoJ = Hand of Justice (runeword)

HotO = Heart of the Oak (runeword)

HoW = Heart of Wolverine (Druid skill)

HoZ = Herald of Zakarum

HP = Hit Points / Health Pool

HS = Holy Shield (Paladin skill)

HS = Holy Shock (Paladin skill)

I ⇑ back to top ⇑

IAS = Increased Attack Speed

IB = Ice Blast (Sorceress skill)

ID = Identify

IG = Iron Golem (Necromancer minion)

Ilvl = Item Level

IM = Iron Maiden (Necromancer skill)

Ind = Indestructible

Inv = Inventory

IS = Iron Skin (Barbarian skill)

ITD = Ignore Target's Defense

Izzy = Izual (Act 4 mini boss)

J ⇑ back to top ⇑

K ⇑ back to top ⇑

KB = Knockback

L ⇑ back to top ⇑

L = Ladder

LA = Leap Attack (Barbarian skill)

LC = Large Charm

LDmg = Lightning Damage

LE = Lightning Enchanted

LF = Lightning Fury (Amazon skill)

LHC = Ladder Hardcore

LI = Lightning Immune

LL = Life Leech

LM = Lightning Mastery (Sorceress skill)

LOD = Lord of Destruction - Baal

LRes = Lightning Resistance

LS = Lightning Strike (Amazon skill)

LSC = Ladder Softcore

LTB = Looking to Buy

LTT = Looking to Trade

M ⇑ back to top ⇑

max = Maximum

MB = Mana Burn

MB = Mind Blast (Assassin skill)

MB = Molten Boulder (Druid skill)

MDmg = Magic Damage

Meph = Mephisto (Act 3 Boss)

Merc = Mercenary

MF = Magic Find

MI = Magic Immune

min = minimum

ML = Mana Leech

Mlvl = Monster Level

Mod = Modifier

MP = Mana Point / Mana Pool

MPK = Mana Per Kill

MS = Multiple Shot (Amazon skill)

msg = Message

N ⇑ back to top ⇑

Necro = Necromancer

NG = New Game

NM = Nightmare Difficulty

Norm = Normal Difficulty

NRes = Nature Resistance

O ⇑ back to top ⇑

Oak = Oak Sage (Druid skill)

OW = Open Wounds

P ⇑ back to top ⇑

PA = Perfect Amethyst

Pally = Paladin

Pand = Pandemonium Fortress

PC = Poison Creeper (Druid skill)

PD = Perfect Diamond

PDagger = Poison Dagger (Necromancer skill)

PDmg = Poison Damage

PDR = Physical Damage Reduction

PE = Poison Explosion (Necromancer skill)

PGem = Perfect Gem

PH = Psychic Hammer

PI = Poison Immune

Pindle = Pindleskin (Act 5 mini boss)

PJ = Poison Javelin (Amazon skill)

PK = Player Killing

PMH = Prevent Monster Heal

PNova = Poison Nova (Necromancer skill)

Porter = Teleporting Monster

Pots = Potions

PP = Party Please

PR = Perfect Ruby

PRes = Poison Resistance

PS = Perfect Skull

PSa = Perfect Sapphire

Psn = Poison

PT = Pefect Topaz

Q ⇑ back to top ⇑

R ⇑ back to top ⇑

R/W = Run/Walk

Regen = Regeneration

Rejuv = Rejuvenation Potion

Req = Requirement

Res = Resistance

rLvl = Required Level

RoF = River of Flame

RS = Raise Skeleton (Necromancer skill)

S ⇑ back to top ⇑

SA = Shiver Armor (Sorceress skill)

SC = Small Charm

SF = Static Field (Sorceress skill)

Skiller = Grand Charm with +1 to a skill type

Slvl = Skill Level

SM = Skeletal Mage (Necromancer skill)

SOJ = Stone of Jordan

Sorc = Sorceress

SP = Single Player

SPoints = Skill Points

STR = Strength

SW = Shock Wave (Druid skill)

T ⇑ back to top ⇑

Tele = Teleport (Sorceress skill)

TK = Telekinesis (Sorceress skill)

TP = Town Portal

U ⇑ back to top ⇑

UB = Uber Baal

UD = Uber Diablo

UDu = Uber Duriel

UI = Uber Izual

UM = Uber Mephisto

V ⇑ back to top ⇑

VIT = Vitality

W ⇑ back to top ⇑

WB = Werebear (Druid form)

Wep = Weapon

WoF = Wake of Fire (Assassin skill)

WoI = Wake of Inferno (Assassin skill)

WP = Waypoint

WW = Wirlwind (Barbarian skill)

X ⇑ back to top ⇑

Xbow = Crossbow

Xfer = transfer

XP = Experience

Y ⇑ back to top ⇑

Z ⇑ back to top ⇑

Zon = Amazon