Acronym Hub 📋

lists of common acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms

Computer acronyms


A ⇑ back to top ⇑

AAC = Advanced Audio Coding

ACL = Access Control List

ADC = Analog/Digital Converter

ADF = Automatic Document Feeder

ADFS = Active Directory Federation Service

ADSL = Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

AES = Advanced Encryption System

AGP = Accelerated Graphics Port

AIFF = Audio Interchange File Format

AIX = Advanced Interactive Executive

ALU = Arithmetic Logic Unit

ANR = Application Not Responding

ANSI = American National Standards Institute

AP = Access Point

API = Application Programming Interface

APU = Accelerated Processing Unit

ARP = Address Resolution Protocol

ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASN = Autonomous System Number

ASP = Active Server Page

ATA = Advanced Technology Attachment

ATM = Asynchronous Transfer Mode

ATX = Advanced Technology Extended

AU = Activation Unit

AUP = Acceptable Use Policy

AVR = Audio/Video Receiver

AVX = Advanced Vector Extensions

B ⇑ back to top ⇑

BASIC = Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

BGP = Border Gateway Protocol

BIOS = Basic Input/Output System

BLE = Bluetooth Low Energy

BLOB = Binary Large Object

BMP = Bitmap

BPO = Business Process Outsourcing

BSOD = Blue Screen of Death

BSS = Basic Service Set

C ⇑ back to top ⇑

CAD = Computer-Aided Design

CAN = Campus Area Network

CBSP = Cloud-Based Security Providers

CCD = Charged Coupled Device

CD = Compact Disc

CD-R = Compact Disc - Recordable

CD-ROM = Compact Disc - Read-Only Memory

CD-RW = Compact Disc - Re-Writable

CDFS = Compact Disc File System

CDMA = Code Division Multiple Access

CDN = Content Delivery Network

CGI = Common Gateway Interface

CHAP = Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol

CI/CD = Continous Integration/Continous Deployment

CIDR = Classless Inter-Domain Routing

CIR = Committed Information Rate

CIS = Computer Information Systems

CISC = Complex Instruction Set Computing

CLI = Command Line Interface

CLOB = Character Large Object

CMOS = Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

CMS = Content Management System

CMYK = Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black

CORS = Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

CPA = Cost Per Action

CPC = Cost Per Click

CPL = Cost Per Lead

CPS = Classroom Performance System

CPU = Central Processing Unit

CRC = Cyclic Redundancy Check

CRT = Cathode Ray Tube

CSMA/CA = Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Avoidance

CSMA/CD = Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection

CSP = Content Security Policy

CSRF = Cross-Site Request Forgery

CSS = Cascading Style Sheet

CTP = Composite Theoretical Performance

CTR = Click-Through Rate

CUDA = Compute Unified Device Architecture

CVSS = Common Vulnerability Scoring System

CWE = Common Weakness Enumeration

D ⇑ back to top ⇑

D2D = Device to Device

DAAS = Desktop As A Service

DAC = Digital/Analog Converter

DAM = Database Activity Monitoring

DAM = Digital Asset Management

DAST = Dynamic Application Security Testing

DAW = Digital Audio Workstation

DBMS = Database Management System

DC = Data Center

DCE = Data Communications Equipment

DCIM = Digital Camera IMages

DDL = Data Definition Language

DDoS = Distributed Denial Of Services

DDR = Double Data Rate

DDR2 = Double Data Rate 2

DDR3 = Double Data Rate 3

DDR4 = Double Data Rate 4

DEC = Digital Equipment Corporation

DES = Data Encryption Standard

DFS = Distributed File System

DHCP = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

DIMM = Dual In-Line Memory Module

DKIM = Domain Keys Identified Mail

DLC = Downloadable Content

DLL = Dynamic Link Library

DM = Direct Message

DMA = Direct Memory Access

DMARC = Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance

DMI = Desktop Management Interface

DML = Data Manipulation Language

DMS = Database Migration Service

DNS = Domain Name System

DNSSEC = Domain Name System Security Extensions

DOM = Document Object Model

DOS = Disk Operating System

DOS = Denial of Services

DPI = Dots Per Inch

DQL = Data Query Language

DRAM = Dynamic Random Access Memory

DRDA = Distributed Relational Database Architecture

DRM = Digital Rights Management

DRS = Distributed Resource Scheduler

DSA = Digital Signature Algorithm

DSL = Digital Subscriber Line

DSLAM = Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer

DT = Directory Traversal

DTD = Document Type Definition

DTE = Data Terminal Equipment

DUT = Device Under Test

DV = Digital Video

DVD = Digital Versatile Disc

DVD-R = Digital Versatile Disc - Recordable

DVD-RAM = Digital Versatile Disc - Random Access Memory

DVD-RW = Digital Versatile Disk - Rewritable

DVI = Digital Video Interface

DVR = Digital Video Recorder

DW = Data Warehouse

E ⇑ back to top ⇑

ECC = Error Correction Code

EDI = Electronic Data Interchange

eGPU = External Graphics Processing Unit

EHA = Ethernet Hardware Address

EIA = Electronics Industry Alliance

EIDE = Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics

EIGRP = Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol

EOF = End Of File

EPS = Encapsulated PostScript

ERP = Enterprise Resource Planning

eSATA = External Serial Advanced Technology Attachment

ESS = Extended Service Set

EUP = Enterprise Unified Process

EXIF = Exchangeable Image File Format

F ⇑ back to top ⇑

FCC = Federal Communications Commission

FCS = Frame Check Sequence

FDDI = Fiber Distributed Data Interface

FLOPS = Floating Point Operations Per Second

FOSS = Free and Open-Source Software

FPGA = Field-Programmable Gate Array

FPS = Frames Per Second

FPU = Floating Point Unit

FQDN = Fully Qualified Domain Name

FSB = Front Side Bus

FTP = File Transfer Protocol

FUD = Fully Undetectable

G ⇑ back to top ⇑

GBIC = Gigabit Interface Converter

Gbps = Gigabits Per Second

GEPOF = Gigabit Ethernet Plastic Optical Fiber

GIF = Graphics Interchange Format

GIS = Geographic Information Systems

GPGPU = General-Purpose Graphics Processing Unit

GPIO = General Purpose Input/Output

GPS = Global Positioning System

GPU = Graphics Processing Unit

GUI = Graphical User Interface

H ⇑ back to top ⇑

HA = High Availability

HAC = High-availability Clusters

HDD = Hard Disk Drive

HDLC = High-level Data Link Control

HDMI = High-Definition Multimedia Interface

HDR = High Dynamic Range

HDTV = High Definition Televsion

HDV = High Definition Video

HFS = Hierarchical File System

HSF = Heat Sink and Fan

HTML = Hyper-Text Markup Language

HTTP = Hyper-Text Transport Protocol

HTTPS = Hyper-Text Transport Protocol Secure

I ⇑ back to top ⇑

I/O = Input/Output

IAM = Identity & Access Management

IANA = Internet Assigned Number Authority

ICaaS = Integration Capability as a Service

ICANN = Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers

ICF = Internet Connection Firewall

ICMP = Internet Control Message Protocol

ICS = Internet Connection Sharing

ICT = Information and Communication Technologies

IDE = Integrated Device Electronics

IDE = Integrated Development Environment

IDS = Intrusion Detection System

IE = Internet Explorer

IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IETF = Internet Engineering Task Force

IGP = Integrated Graphics Processor

IIS = Internet Information Services

IM = Instant Message

IMAP = Internet Message Access Protocol

IMEI = International Mobile Equipment Identity

IOPS = Input/Output Operations Per Second

IP = Internet Protocol

IPS = Intrusion Prevention System

IPSec = Internet Protocol Security

IPX = Internetwork Packet Exchange

IRC = Internet Relay Chat

IRQ = Interrupt Request

IS-IS = Intermediate System to Intermediate System

ISA = Industry Standard Architecture

iSCSI = Internet Small Computer Systems Interface

ISDN = Integrated Services Digital Network

ISP = Internet Service Provider

ISR = Interrupt Service Routine

IT = Information Technology

ITIL = Information Technology Infrastructure Library

IVR = Interactive Voice Response

J ⇑ back to top ⇑

JCE = Java Cryptography Extension

JDBC = Java Database Connectivity

JDK = Java Development Kit

JFS = Journaled File System

JPEG = Joint Photographic Experts Group

JRE = Java Runtime Environment

JS = JavaScript

JSON = JavaScript Object Notation

JSP = Java Server Page

JVM = Java Virtual Machine

K ⇑ back to top ⇑

Kbps = Kilobits Per Second

KVM = Kernel-based Virtual Machine

L ⇑ back to top ⇑

LACP = Link Aggregation Control Protocol

LAMP = Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP

LAN = Local Area Network

LAPB = Link Access Procedure, Balanced

LB = Load Balancer

LCD = Liquid Crystal Display

LDAP = Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

LED = Light-Emitting Diode

LFI = Local File Inclusion

LFN = Long Filename

LLC = Logical Link Control

LLT = Low Latency Transport

LPI = Lines Per Inch

LUN = Logical Unit Number

M ⇑ back to top ⇑

MAC = Media Access Control

MAM = Media Access Management

MAMP = Mac, Apache, MySQL, and PHP

MAN = Metropolitan Area Network

Mbps = Megabits Per Second

MBR = Master Boot Record

MCA = Micro Channel Architecture

MDF = Main Distribution Frame

MDI = Medium Dependent Interface

MFA = Multi-Factor Authentication

MIB = Management Information Base

MIDI = Musical Instrument Digital Interface

MIME = Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

MIPS = Million Instructions Per Second

MIS = Management Information System

MMS = Multimedia Messaging Service

MOBO = Motherboard

MoCA = Multimedia over Coax Alliance

MP3 = MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3

MPEG = Moving Picture Experts Group

MPLS = Multi-Protocol Label Switching

MPP = Massive Parallel Processing

MSTSC = Microsoft Terminal Service Client

MTU = Maximum Transmission Unit

MVC = Model-View-Controller

MX = Mail Exchange

N ⇑ back to top ⇑

NAC = Network Access Control

NAT = Network Address Translation

NBMA = Non-Broadcast Multiple Access

NDA = Non-Disclosure Agreement

NFC = Near Field Communication

NFS = Network File System

NIC = Network Interface Card

NMS = Network Management System

NNTP = Network News Transfer Protocol

NOC = Network Operations Center

NOS = Network Operating System

NRZ = Non-Return-to-Zero

NRZI = Non-Return-to-Zero Inverted

NS = Name Server

NSP = Network Service Provider

NTFS = New Technology File System

NTP = Network Time Protocol

NUI = Natural User Interface

NVRAM = Non-Volatile Random Access Memory

O ⇑ back to top ⇑

OASIS = Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards

OCR = Optical Character Recognition

ODBC = Open Database Connectivity

OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer

OLA = Operational-Level Agreement

OLAP = Online Analytical Processing

OLE = Object Linking and Embedding

OLED = Organic Light Emitting Diode

OLTP = Online Transaction Processing

OOP = Object-Oriented Programming

OS = Operating System

OSCI = Operating System Command Injection

OSD = On Screen Display

OSI = Open System Interconnect

OSPF = Open Shortest Path First

OSS = Open Source Software

OTA = Over-The-Air

OUI = Organization Unique Identifier

OWASP = Open Web Application Security Project

P ⇑ back to top ⇑

P2P = Peer To Peer

P2V = Physical to Virtual

PaaS = Platform-as-a-Service

PAP = Password Authentication Protocol

PAT = Port Address Translation

PC = Personal Computer

PCB = Printed Circuit Board

PCI = Peripheral Component Interconnect

PCI-DSS = Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

PCI-X = Peripheral Component Interconnect - Extended

PCM = Pulse-Code Modulation

PCMCIA = Personal Computer Memory Card International Association

PDA = Personal Digital Assistant

PDF = Portable Document Format

PDU = Protocol Data Unit

PEBKAC = Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Chair

PHP = Hypertext Preprocessor

PIM = Personal Information Manager

PM = Private Message

PMU = Power Management Unit

PNG = Portable Network Graphic

PoE = Power over Ethernet

PON = Passive Optical Network

POP = Post Office Protocol

POST = Power On Self Test

POTS = Plain Old Telephone Service

PPC = Pay Per Click

PPGA = Plastic Pin Grid Array

PPI = Pixels Per Inch

PPL = Pay Per Lead

PPM = Pages Per Minute

PPP = Point to Point Protocol

PPPoE = Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet

PPS = Pay Per Sale

PPTP = Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol

PRAM = Parameter Random Access Memory

PROM = Programmable Read-Only Memory

PS/2 = Personal System/2

PSU = Power Supply Unit

PT = Path Traversal

PTT = Public Telephone and Telegraph

PUM = Potentially Unwanted Modification

PUP = Potentially Unwanted Program

PVST = Per-VLAN Spanning Tree

Q ⇑ back to top ⇑

QBE = Query By Example

QEMU = Quick Emulator

QoS = Quality of Service

QUIC = Quick UDP Internet Connections

R ⇑ back to top ⇑

RAD = Rapid Application Development

RADIUS = Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service

RAID = Redundant Array of Independent Disks

RAM = Random Access Memory

RARP = Reverse Address Resolution Protocol

RAT = Remote Administration Tool

RCP = Royal College of Physicians

RDBMS = Relational Database Management System

RDF = Resource Description Framework

RDP = Remote Desktop Protocol

RDRAM = Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory

RDSMS = Relational Data Stream Management System

RFC = Request for Comments

RFI = Remote File Inclusion

RFID = Radio-Frequency Identification

RGB = Red, Green, Blue

RIP = Routing Information Protocol

RISC = Reduced Instruction Set Computer

RLL = Run-Length Limited

ROM = Read-Only Memory

RPC = Remote Procedure Call

RSS = Really Simple Syndication

RSTP = Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol

RTE = Runtime Environment

RTF = Rich Text Format

RTP = Real-time Transport Protocol

RUM = Real-User Measurement

RUP = Rational Unified Process

S ⇑ back to top ⇑

S-HTTP = Secure HTTP

SaaS = Software as a Service

SAML = Security Assertion Markup Language

SAN = Storage Area Network

SASS = Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets

SAST = Static Application Security Testing

SATA = Serial Advanced Technology Attachment

SCD = Source Code Disclosure

SCM = Supply Chain Management

SCSI = Small Computer System Interface

SD = Secure Digital

SDK = Software Development Kit

SDLC = System Development Lifecycle

SDLC = Synchronous Data Link Control

SDN = Software Defined Networking

SDRAM = Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory

SDS = Software-Defined Storage

SDSL = Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line

SEO = Search Engine Optimization

SERP = Search Engine Results Page

SFD = Start-of-Frame Delimiter

SFP = Small Form-factor Pluggable

SFTP = SSH File Transfer Protocol

SIM = Subscriber Identification Module

SIMM = Single In-Line Memory Module

SIP = Session Initiation Protocol

SKU = Stock Keeping Unit

SLA = Service Level Agreement

SLARP = Serial Line ARP

SLI = Scalable Link Interface

SLIP = Serial Line Internet Protocol

SMART = Self-Monitoring Analysis And Reporting Technology

SMB = Server Message Block

SMS = Short Message Service

SMTP = Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SNA = Systems Network Architecture

SNAP = SubNet Access Protocol

SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol

SO-DIMM = Small Outline Dual In-Line Memory Module

SOA = Service Oriented Architecture

SOAP = Simple Object Access Protocol

SoC = System On a Chip

SOF = Start Of Frame

SPF = Sender Policy Framework

SPOF = Single Point of Failure

SPX = Sequenced Packet Exchange

SQL = Structured Query Language

SQLi = SQL Injection

SRAM = Static Random Access Memory

SRE = Site Reliability Engineering

sRGB = Standard Red Green Blue

SSD = Solid State Drive

SSE = Server Side Encryption

SSH = Secure Shell

SSID = Service Set Identifier

SSL = Secure Socket Layer

SSO = Single Sign-On

STP = Spanning Tree Protocol

STS = Security Token Service

T ⇑ back to top ⇑

TCP = Transmission Control Protocol

TCP/IP = Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

TDM = Time-Division Multiplexing

TFT = Thin-Film Transistor

TFTP = Trivial File Transfer Protocol

TIA = Telecommunications Industry Alliance

TIFF = Tagged Image File Format

TLD = Top-Level Domain

TLS = Transport Layer Security

TOFU = Trust On First Use

TPS = Transaction Per Second

TPU = Tensor Processing Unit

TTF = TrueType Font

TTL = Time To Live

TWAIN = Toolkit Without An Informative Name

U ⇑ back to top ⇑

UAT = User Acceptance Testing

UDDI = Universal Description Discovery and Integration

UDP = User Datagram Protocol

UEFI = Unified Extensible Firmware Interface

UGC = User Generated Content

UICC = Universal Integrated Circuit Card

UML = Unified Modeling Language

UNC = Universal Naming Convention

UPnP = Universal Plug and Play

UPS = Uninterruptible Power Supply

URI = Uniform Resource Identifier

URL = Uniform Resource Locator

USB = Universal Serial Bus

UTF = Unicode Transformation Format

UTP = Unshielded Twisted Pair

UWP = Universal Windows Platform

V ⇑ back to top ⇑

VBS = Visual Basic Script

VC = Virtual Circuit

VCI = Virtual Channel Identifier

VCS = Veritas Cluster Server

VCS = Version Control Systems

VDI = Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

VDSL = Very high bit rate Digital Subscriber Line

VDU = Visual Display Unit

VFAT = Virtual File Allocation Table

VG = Volume Group

VGA = Video Graphics Array

VIP = Virtual IP

VLAN = Virtual Local Area Network

VLE = Virtual Learning Environment

VLSM = Variable-Length Subnet Masking

VM = Virtual Machine

VoIP = Voice Over Internet Protocol

VPI = Virtual Path Identifier

VPN = Virtual Private Network

VR = Virtual Reality

VRAM = Video Random Access Memory

VRML = Virtual Reality Modeling Language

VSM = Virtual Supervisor Module

VTL = Virtual Tape Library

VXLAN = Virtual Extensible Local Area Network

W ⇑ back to top ⇑

W3C = World Wide Web Consortium

WAF = Web Application Firewall

WAIS = Wide Area Information Server

WAMP = Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP

WAN = Wide Area Network

WAP = Web Application Protection

WDDM = Windows Display Driver Model

WEP = Wired Equivalent Privacy

WIMP = Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointer

WINS = Windows Internet Name Service

WLAN = Wireless Local Area Network

WMI = Windows Management Instrumentation

WPA = Wi-Fi Protected Access

WPAN = Wireless Personal Area Network

WWW = World Wide Web

WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get

X ⇑ back to top ⇑

XAML = Extensible Application Markup Language

XHTML = Extensible Hypertext Markup Language

XML = Extensible Markup Language

XMP = Extensible Metadata Platform

XSLT = Extensible Style Sheet Language Transformation

XSS = Cross-site Scripting

Y ⇑ back to top ⇑

Y2K = Year 2000

Z ⇑ back to top ⇑

ZIF = Zero Insertion Force